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Ein Artikel aus dem Jahr 1996,
als das HDO eigentlich schon Geschichte war.

Nach den Berichten in den örtlichen Zeitungen über den Schlagabtausch der Beführworter und der Gegener sowohl in der Presse wie auch im Landtag und in den Ausschüssen war das HDO mehrfach pleite. Auch der Promotor Michael Pfleghar hatte sich (vermutlich) bereits 1991 seöbst das Leben genommen. Dennoch haben wir in einer englischsprachigen Ausgabe 1996 des Primetime Magazines diesen Artikel gefunden.


A Center for Excellence in Imaging for Europe:
High Definition Oberhausen

High Definition Oberhausen (HDO), to play world-lead­ing role in digital film and video post production. The unique system design under­taken by Philips BTS will integrate almost all film, video and audio production and postproduction facilities in one multimedia center.

The HDO in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), will be the first media produc­tion complex built in Europe. Philips Projects designed, engineered, built and equip­ped the turn-key building of over 60,000 cubic meter within two years as the general contractor The HDO will be capable of very high film resolution production, with state of the art graphics and
cartooning supported by the latest post production and virtual studio facilities.

One of the pioneering concepts behind HDO is that of a 'MediaNet' high bandwidth network capable of transporting multiple data streams at the High Speed Point to Point Interface (HIPP!) rate of 100 Mbytes/s. ATM and Ethernet highways are also employed.

It will be possible for the first time to remove the need to choose between real-time operation and high resolution.
The network topology has been designed to be as transparent in operation as possible to users without the access delay normally associated with old style computer net­works.

The media complex will provide sound dubbing and effects with surround sound capability. Both the studio and cinema sound monitoring conform to the widely accepted SDDS and Lucas Film,THX standard.

A 'trick studio' of 1500 sq meters is equipped with a 10 meter high blue wall for chroma keying required for example, for virtual studio applications. A fleet of well equipped high definition OB vans will also be available.

North Rhine-Westphalia is a major investor in HDO which is owned by the city of Oberhausen. The facility will
be rented to the operating company formed by EMG, Berlin and SATEL, Cologne.

It is expected that this project will act as a magnet to both German and international media business leading to the
creation of hundreds of extra jobs in all industries related to broadcasting, multimedia, film and imaging technology.

IMPRESSUM - Published by: Philips Broadcast Television Systems GmbH
Im Leuschnerpark I, D-64347 Griesheim, Germany - Editorial: F.-K. Reichardt

Eine typische Presseinformation - irgendeiner wird sie schon drucken.

Wie kann ein unbeteiligter Ausländer in diesem Artikel von 1996 riechen, daß diese inzwischen veraltete Technik zum mehrfachen Konkurs des Ganzen gereicht hatte. Das Philips Marketing der von Fernseh Gmbh zu BTS und dann zu Philips Broadcast umbenannten Darmstädter Firma wußte natürlich von dem 100 Millionen Desaster in Oberhausen. Professor Dr. Hausdörfer ließ bei unseren Gesprächen anklingen, daß die damalige (analoge) HDTV-Technik aus dem Eureka 95 Projekt nie hätte verkauft werden dürfen. Alle Produkte waren "nur" Machbarkeitsstudien mit all den Problemen einer Studie.


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