Sie sind hier : Startseite →  Die Profi-Hersteller→  (1) Die Fese (Fernseh GmbH)→  Fese Suchermonitore→  Kamera-Bildsucher KC 17 BB 9A
typische historische Kamera

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Das Bild auf dem Kamera-Color-Bildsucher KC 17 war super.

Es war 1988 die letze Krönung auf einer KCM 125, der Sucher in Farbe. Die 7" Trinitron Röhre ermöglichte endlich eine extrem scharfe und besonders helle Darstellung des Sucherbildes.

Color viewf inder for KCM studio camera

The colour viewfinder is a separate plug-in unit. It is plugged into the swivel-mounted housing. The colour viewfinder makes aesthetic evaluation of the camera picture easier by providing colour information and has the ergonomic advantage of more easily recognizable picture details.

Special Features

  • 1" Trinitron picture tube with in-line gun system and single lens system
  •  Black matrix
  •  High luminosity
  •  High beam focus
  •  High contrast
  •  High resolution
  •  Good geometry
  •  No line moire
  •  Automatic and manual degaussing
  •  No colour balance changes after camera panning
  •  Black level stability (beam current feedback)
  •  Automatic PAL/NTSC changeover
  •  Linearly adjustable aperture correction
  •  Switchable safe action area with centre cross
  •  Box cursor and reference lines (adjustable)


Technische Daten (in Englisch)

Picture Data
Tube = Trinitron fine pitch, 7" diagonal, black matrix Triad separation 0.21 mm
Resolution = > 350 lines
Luminosity = > 500cd/sq. m.
Convergence = < 0.3 mm in a circle of picture height / < 0.5 mm in the remaining area
Picture format = H: 124 mm V: 93 mm H/V - 4:3
Geometry = ± 1 % with respect to picture height
Colour temperature = 6500 K

Video Data
Input signal Ue = 1 Vpp into 75 Ohm
Internal automatic levels for + 6 dB/- 3 dB range
Standard - PAL/CCIR 625 lines 50 Hz NTSC 525 lines 60 Hz Automatic input signal detection and standard changeover PAL/NTSC.

Video processing Luminance
Frequency response up to 5 MHz ± 1 dB, 7 MHz - 3 dB
Differential gain 5=0.9
Pulse response (measured without colour subcarrier trap) 50 Hz tilt < 2 % 15kHztilt<2%
Delay time difference between the RGB channels <30ns
Symmetrical aperture correction max. increase in amplitude fmax = 3 MHz 250% linear
Colour subcarrier trap -3 dB 3.6 MHz 2.8 MHz -20dB 4.43 MHz 3.58 MHz
Black level stability stabilized by automatic cut-off < 0.5 cd/sq. m.
Video processing Chrominance PAL/NTSC
Bandwidth limiting 0.7 MHz < - 3 dB
Chrominance adjustment range 0 - 200 %

Power supply
Voltage 12VDC(+ 10.5V... + 14V)
Power consumption 36W/12V, 3 A

Environmental Data
Temperature range In operation Transport - 20 degrees C + 50 degrees C - 25 degrees C + 70 degrees C
Max. operating height 4,000 m - 600 hPa
Air humidity 93 % relative humidity at 40 degrees C

Mechanical Data
The KC 17 BB 9 A colour viewfinder requires a special harness in combination with the KCM 125.

Colour viewfinder Height: 160 mm Width: 200 mm und was ist mit dem Gewicht ???????

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