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Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom May 1962 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.



Sharing "star billing" in the RCA exhibit at the recent NAB convention were seven "new generation" broadcast equipments.


Hier im Dez. 1962 wird zum ersten Male dieser neue TR 22 Videorecorder etwas genauer vorgestellt. Angeblich seien bereits mehrere davon verkauft worden.

Complete Line of TV Tape Equipment

A wide choice of tv tape equipment was displayed in operation - including the TR-22 transistorized tape recorder, TRT-1B standard tape recorder and the TR-11 compact tape recorder.

This expanded product line points up two well defined trends among tv tape users: toward exploiting the full capability of tape quality, and toward economy and broader use of tape for broadcast purposes.

Transistorized TV Tape - TR-22

The TR-22 fully-transistorized TV Tape Recorder embodies the newest advances in the state of the tape recording art, all incorporated in one compact console.

  • Anmerkung : Im Vergleich zu dem Vorgänger - noch auf Röhrenbasis - ist dieser neue TR 22 wirklich "kompakt". Dennoch wird vermieden, die beiden nebeneinander zu fotografieren.

No external racks are necessary - all recording, monitoring and testing facilities are in a single compact unit. Operation is simplified. Valuable floor space is conserved.

All the latest RCA tv tape advances are included.

Air bearing headwheel operation . . .
Pix-lock system for special effects . . .
carrier and deviation monitor are built in.

Also, provision has been made for the addition of color and automatic timing correction modules - all within the single compact console.

  • Anmerkung : Diese "automatic timing correction" wurde bei uns unter Timebase-Correktor" bekannt.

The TR-22 is the tv tape recorder made to capture and faithfully reproduce the finest quality pictures that new generation tv cameras will provide. This kind of top performance can be achieved and duplicated day after day, without constant technical supervision.

  • Anmerkung : Auch das ist nur Marketing Geschwätz, denn bei jeder Kopie von Band zu Band wurde nicht nur der Ton hörbar schlechter, sondern auch das Bild wurde sichtbar verrauscht. Doch dieses Qualitätsdenken kam bei den Amerikaner erst, als die Deutschen mit der BCN 50 und die Japaner mit Brachialgewalt den Markt abgeräumt hatten.

For finest quality Original tapes - master tapes from which excellent tape or film copies can be made - the TR-22 stands alone.

Compact TV Tape with Dual Speed

To demonstrate economies recently made possible in tape operations, the TR-11 Compact Recorder was operated with a dual speed accessory. Available for all RCA recorders, this new engineering advance combines all the benefits of standard quadruplex recording with the savings of half-speed operation.

It permits tape speed to be switchable from conventional 15 inches per second to half speed of 7 1/2 ips. At the slower speed, double the amount of information is recorded on a given amount of tape, This effects a 50% saving in tape costs and storage space.

TV Tape Mobile Unit

Also displayed was a new TV Tape Mobile Unit, TJ-11 - priced at less than $50,000. The unit uses a "Metro Van" body to accommodate a short rack version of the TR-11 Recorder. In this model four short racks house all the facilities of the standard three-rack recorder. Two groupings of two racks each are installed on either side of vehicle.

The racks are installed on metal tracks to facilitate servicing and to permit removal of the entire recorder for studio use, if desired. The TJ-11 mobile unit is completely equipped with recorder, storage and work cabinets, and an air-conditioning and heating system.


Recent additions to RCA's complete line of radio and television transmitters were on display. These included 1 and 5 kw AM transmitters and two 25 kw's, one for UHF and one for VHF television.

25 KW VHF TV Transmitter

Newest RCA tv transmitter is the TT-2SDH. The transmitter includes latest design features - completely siliconized power supplies and high efficiency air cooled tubes such as the 6166-A for long life and reliability.

Single ended rf circuits greatly reduce the number of necessary tubes and circuit components. Complete overload protection and indicating lights aid in quick location of faulty circuits. Inter-carrier frequency control accurately maintains frequency separation between aural and visual carriers.

Modern mechanical design reduces space requirements as much as 50% over previous designs. This reduction is made possible by the walk-in enclosure design of the TT-25DH and allows for installation in existing buildings.

Walk-in construction also eliminates the need for external access space at the rear of the transmitter enclosure. The enclosure may be placed directly against a wall or in a corner of the room if an air intake opening is provided. Access to all components is possible from within.

High Efficiency AM Transmitters

Anmerkung : AM steht für Mittelwelle und die kann qualitativ dem neuen FM das Wasser nicht reichen. Doch die Reichweite für amerikanisches Frühstückradio ist ganz erheblich größer, also etwa 500 Kilometer anstelle nur 50 bis 10 Kilometer.
Two of the latest design AM transmitters were on display - the BTA-1R1 and BTA-ST. Both feature high efficiency circuits, siliconized power supplies and temperature controlled crystal ovens.

The BTA-1R1 is designed to provide improved performance, single control tuning, simplified installation, and low cost performance. Modern trends in AM radio broadcasting including remote control and Conelrad requirements together with all-round economy and dependability are also featured in the BT-1R1.

The transmitter easily fits into operations where power reduction at night is required. For "day-night" operation the transmitter incorporates a built-in power cutback system. By pressing a switch on the front or at a remote panel, the transmitter can be cut back in power to either 500 or 250 watts.

Weitere Infos

The BTA-5T is an air-cooled transmitter featuring a number of design developments, including an important development in Class C amplifier design.

The new high-efficiency power amplifier permits one long-life 5762 tube to deliver the nominal 5 kw with 5.5 kw power output capability. The plate efficiency exceeds that of a conventional class C amplifier by an average 15 per cent. As a result, considerable power savings can be realized.

  • Anmerkung : Hier liest man, daß auch diese Sende-Technik nur eine begrenzte Lebensdauer hat. Auch bei den Videorecordern wird in der Werbung verschwiegen, daß die Betriebskosten duch die 20 Stunden Kopflebensdauer erheblich sind.

Other new design techniques of the BTA-5T provide simplified tuning, increased safety, longer tube life and improved performance. After initial adjustments, the transmitter can be tuned from the front panel. This is accomplished by only two controls.

Provisions for manual or remote control operation are incorporated in the transmitter. For safety, all doors and panels are interlocked and grounding switches protect operating personnel.

- Werbung Dezent -
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