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Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom May 1962 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.



In order to give more impetus to its drive for new and improved products, and at the same time provide better service to the customers, the RCA Broadcast & Communications Products Division has realigned the departments which handle its broadcast and closed-circuit TV business.

The realignment, which was announced on June 1, by Mr. C. H. Colledge, Vice President and General Manager of the Division, creates two new departments: the Broadcast Sales Department, which will be headed by Mr. E. C. Tracy; and the Broadcast Merchandising and Engineering Department under the direction of Mr. A. F. Inglis.

Previous to the new setup Mr. Tracy had been Manager of the Broadcast Equipment Department with responsibility for sales, merchandising and engineering for the broadcast market while Mr. Inglis had been Manager of the CCTV, Film Recording and Scientific Instruments Department with generally similar responsibilities in these areas.

However, the equipment requirements for CCTV, Film Recording and Broadcasting had been coming closer and closer together, to the point where the two departments were, in large part, selling identical equipment. Thus some consolidation of the two businesses was indicated.

The new alignment is of the so-called "functional" type. Thus Mr. Inglis will be responsible for the "product" function which includes responsibility for all product planning, for engineering, and for getting the product produced. This is what the text books sometimes refer to as "putting the merchandise on the store shelf." Similarly, Mr. Tracy will be responsible for the "sales" function. He will concentrate on "selling the merchandise off the store shelf."

Mr. Inglis brings to his new assignment an impressive background in broadcast equipment planning and engineering. Before joining RCA he was a partner in the consulting firm of Mcintosh and Inglis in Washington, D.C., and his work as a consultant included close and detailed work with many AM and TV stations.

He came to RCA in 1953, as Manager of Broadcast Studio Equipment Planning. In 1955, he became Manager of TV Systems Engineering and in 1958, was appointed Manager, Closed-Circuit TV Department. Later he was also given responsibility for the film recording and scientific equipment businesses.

Mr. Inglis' new organization will include W. B. (Walt) Varnum, who continues as manager of studio equipment merchandising and E. N. (Noel) Luddy, who continues as manager of transmitting equipment merchandising.

Walt and Noel will have with them the same groups of product specialists as before - and the advice, assistance and support of these highly competent and experienced people will be available to broadcasters exactly as in the past.

Also reporting to Mr. Inglis will be J. E. Young, who continues as manager of transmitting engineering, and A. H. Lind, who moves up to manager of studio, recording and scientific engineering.

Also A. M. Miller, manager of the Division's Film Recording and West Coast Operations; F. J. Herrmann, manager of scientific instruments merchandising; and R. H. Edmondson, manager, automation program coordination.

Mr. Tracy, too, is admirably fitted by talent and experience for his new and enlarged sales assignment. With RCA for nearly a quarter of a century, he has been in broadcast equipment sales for the past seventeen years.

He joined RCA in 1939 - just in time to work on RCA's TV installation at the World's Fair. After war-time service on military electronic gear he was assigned to broadcast sales in the Chicago area in 1945. In 1950, he was named field sales manager, and three years later, sales manager of broadcast equipment. In 1956, he was appointed Manager, Broadcast and TV Department.

In his new assignment Mr. Tracy will have in his department the broadcast station sales group under Dana Pratt (assisted as before by Ed Hill and Dick Newman). He will also have a CC-TV and Scientific Instruments Sales group headed by Paul Bergquist (assisted by Neal Vander Dussen and Warren Charles). Also a new activity, Sales Support and Service, managed by John Cassidy.

Broadcasters will note that the new organization retains all of the old broadcast hands, and adds to their efforts the talents of Andy Inglis, John Cassidy and others who for the past two years have been concentrating in other areas.

Further, by assigning managers to functions where their talents and experience will be most useful it should further promote RCA's efforts in the broadcast equipment field.

E. C. Tracy Manager. Broadcast Sales Department
C. H. Colledge Division Vice President and General Manager
Broadcast and Communications Products Division
A. F. Inglis Manager, Broadcast Merchandising and Engineering Department

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