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Vorwort aus der Redaktion zu den USA Verhältnissen um 1961

Die ganzen RCA- Pubikationen sind marketingmäßig aufgebaut und ähnlich wie bei unseren größeren deutschen Firmen subjektiv (aus Sicht der Firma) formuliert. In den RCA- News und auch den RCA- Katalogen wird indirekt suggeriert, außer RCA gäbe es ja sowieso nichts Gescheites und ganz (Nord-) Amerika kaufe sowieso nur RCA-Technik. Und dann wird gelobhudelt, was das Zeug hält. Man muß in all diesen Heftchen und Magazinen ganz sensibel zwischen den Zeilen lesen, um den Überblick nicht einseitig zu bekommen.

So zum Beispiel hat RCA erst recht spät UKW-Sender bauen dürfen oder verkaufen dürfen, weil ein Patentverletzungsverfahren (gegen Edwin Armstrong) vor dem Federal Court anhängig war. Erst als der Patentinhaber sich umgebracht hatte, war das Thema vom Tisch.

Die Dimensionen sind gewaltig

Ein Spezial-Magazin 1961

Jetzt ist Nord-Amerika im Vergleich zu den europäischen Staaten richtig groß und außer der dicht besiedelten Ostküste gab es auch noch die Westküste und die Mitte und überall gab es - natürlich deutlich kleinere - Hesteller mit Broadcast- Equipment.

Und es gab immer schon USA-weite Broadcast- Fach- Magazine, die sich mit diesen ganz speziellen Themen beschäftigt hatten.

Der große Unterschied zu Europa :
Während es bei uns in Europa (nur) etwas mehr als zwei Dutzend (staatliche) Sender - und damit Käufer gab, waren es in den USA an die 3.500 Sendestationen, kleinere mit nur 1 Kilowatt Sende-Leistung und größere mit mehreren 50 KW Sendeanlagen. Fast jeder Ort oder jede Stadt mit einer der tausenden protestantischen Kirchengemeinden hatte ihren eigenen Sender.

Sowohl diese Kirchen-Sender als auch die anderen lokalen kommerziellen Sender und vor allem die großen überregionalen Sender-Ketten wie NBC und ABC und CNN und FOX waren ausschließlich kommerziell interessiert und finanzierten sich ausschließlich durch Anzeigen, die sogenannten "commercials".

Und die Sendetechnik war damals richtig teuer

Jetzt kommt wieder der Kosten-Vergleich mit den amerikanischen Autos deser Zeit. Damals vor 1960 kostete ein 8 Meter langer Mitteklassewagen amerikanischer Bauart etwa 2.500 Dollar (damls in DM mal 4). Der importierte Videorecorder von RCA oder Ampex - das spielte fast keine Rolle - kostete in Deutschland ca. 400.000 DM + Verschiffung + Installation + Schulung - die brauchten die Amerikaner genauso wie unsere Ingenieure.

Das waren dann ca. 600.000.- DM - und in Bremen waren das damals 10 Reihenhäuser. Der TR22 RCA- Video-Recorder kostete damals in den USA für Amerikaner "nur" 59.000 US-Dollar + diverser Zusatzkosten.
Ein AM- Sender steht mit 110.000 Dollar in der Preisliste und ein FM-Sender mit ca. 150.000 Dollar. Da fehlten aber zu einem Sendebetrieb noch der ganze Studiobereich samt Technik und vor allem die extrem hohe Sendeantenne. Die Reichweite des Sender und damit die zu erreichende Bevölkerung wurde natürlich gezählt und die war ausschlaggebend für die Verkaufspreise der Werbeminuten der "commercials".

Jetzt schaun wir mal in solch einen RCA Verkaufsprospekt rein :




  1. AM Transmitters
  2. HF Transmitters
  3. FM Transmitters
  4. Input & Monitorin
  5. Remote Control
  6. Tuning & Phasing
  7. Transmission Line
  8. AM-FM Antenna
  9. Test Equipment
  10. Data Section

RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA - Broadcast and Television Equipment Camden, N. J. - Copyright 1959


This Catalog is devoted solely to information on RCA radio broadcast equipment designed especially for AM-FM broadcast station use. Other RCA Broadcast Equipment Catalogs contain similar information on audio equipment, TV transmitters, TV cameras, film and terminal equipment, TV antennas, TV transmission line, and TV test equipment.

The information contained in this catalog is intended to serve as a buying guide for the users of this type equipment. In the belief that broadcast engineers want facts, rather than generalities, the content has purposely been kept brief and factual. Readers who desire more information or individual bulletins on particular equipment items are invited to write to the RCA Broadcast Representative in the RCA Regional Office nearest them (see opposite page).


The RCA television equipment described in this catalog is specifically designed for broadcast station use. RCA also manufactures many other electronic products including; two-way radio and microwove rodto communication equipment; opticol and magnetic film recording equipment; sound systems of all types; 16mm projectors ctnd magnetic recorders; industrial inspection ?nd automation equipment; scientific instruments, such as the electron microscope; industrial television systems; intercoms; and many types of custom-built equipment for industry, the military, educational and medical services. Information describing these products may be obtained from RCA Regional Offices.


The RCA AM-FM Broadcast Transmitting Equipment shown in this catalog is sold directly through RCA Broadcast Representatives, who are "familiar with broadcast equipment and related problems. One or more of these RCA
Representatives ore located in each of the RCA Regional Offices listed below. Orders for equipment shown in this catalog, or requests for additional information, should be directed to the nearest one of these offices.

PRICES (die Preise kommen ganz am Ende)

The prices of the various equipment units shown in this catalog are given in a separate price list. Prices ore listed in the order in which they are shown in the catalog. To determine the price of any equipment first note the page on which it is shown in the catalog, then consult the price list in accordance with this page number. Equipments ore identified by type and Ml (Master Item) numbers which ore used to identify apparatus on invoices and packing slips.

Die RCA Vertretungen damals 1961


  1. Front and Cooper Streets CAMDEN 2, NEW JERSEY Woodlawn 3-8000
  2. 36 West 49th Street NEW YORK 20, NEW YORK Judson 6-3800
  3. 7901 Empire Freeway DALLAS 35, TEXAS Fleetwood 2-3911
  4. 1600 Keith Building CLEVELAND 15, OHIO Cherry 1-3450
  5. 200 Berkeley Street BOSTON 16, MASSACHUSETTS Hubbard 2-1700
  6. 1121 Rhodes-Haverty Building 134 Peachtree Street, N.W. ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA Jackson 4-7703
  7. 1006 Grand Avenue KANSAS CITY 6, MISSOURI Harrison 1-6480
  8. 1560 North Vine Street HOLLYWOOD 28, CALIFORNIA Hollywood 9-2154
  9. 420 Taylor Street SAN FRANCISCO 2, CALIFORNIA Ordway 3-8027
  10. 1186 Merchandise Mart Ptaia CHICAGO 54, ILLINOIS Delaware 7-0700
  11. 1625 K Street, N.W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. District 7-1260
  12. 2250 1st Avenue, South SEATTLE 4, WASHINGTON Main 2-8350


Hier beginnt eine Auswahl der wichtigen Produkte

Dieser RCA-Katalog umfaßt natürlich alle "Broadcast-Produkte" aus 1959 bis 1961, von denen wir nur die beeindruckenden großen Sendeanlagen darstellen und beschreiben.




  • Requires less than 80 square feet of floor space-smaller than many 5 kw transmitters
  • Internal blowers-no air-ducts necessary
  • Cuts tube costs in half
  • Lowest operating cost ever offered in a 50 kw transmitter
  • Low R-F harmonic distortion
  • Excellent frequency response
  • Uses long life RCA 5671 tubes
  • Designed for remote-control operation
  • Uses fewer major components than any other transmitter of similar power for maximum dependability



The RCA Type BTA-50G "Ampliphase" AM Broadcast Transmitter is designed for high fidelity transmission (das hat mit unserem Hifi noch lange nichts zu tun !!) in the frequency band of 535 and 1620 kc, providing exceptionally low distortion and excellent frequency response. The new transmitter is an all air-cooled 50 kw phase-to-amplitude modulated equipment featuring a number of RCA's latest developments as well as time tested features which have proven their worth.

Of particular interest is the use of a low level exciter wherein a phase modulated signal is developed with consequent circuit simplicity and stability. Two RCA 5671 triodes functioning as power amplifiers in the BTA-50G assure long-life performance.

These tubes have logged up to 60,000 hours of dependable service during a seven year period of operation-and are "still going strong," Broadcasters can capitalize on the extra dividends of lower operating cost, lower capital investment-increased stability of operation.

Outstanding features of the BTA-50G are the small floor space requirements and ease of installation of the transmitter. It is housed in only 4 cubicles - less space than required for other 50 kw equipments. This results in a transmitter which greatly reduces initial building costs when planning a completely new installation. As a replacement transmitter the BTA-50G yields valuable floor space for other uses; or, since it occupies so little space it may be installed in the present transmitter building keeping the former transmitter in operation during installation, or later utilizing it as a stand-by unit. Elimination of the need for under-floor cable trenches and considerable reduction in external air ducts, simplifies installation and reduces installation costs still further, completely air-cooled, the BTA-50G requires no external blowers.

Also contributing to heat-reduction and economical operation is the minimum number of expensive power tubes required (the BTA-50G uses no costly modulator tubes). This feature contributes to vast savings in initial tube costs and in the number required by FCC for spares. Other items eliminated are bulky modulation transformers and reactors used in other type transmitters.

Many features provide ease of operation. The transmitter is simple to tune. It has generous, easy-to-read metering facilities for all major circuitry. Tubes are accessible from the front. All power tubes are visible during operation through wide-vision glass windows. The Ampliphase design combines the efficiency of high-level modulation at radio-frequency with the attendant economy of low-level modulation at audio frequency.

Ten kilowott power cut-back provisions can be provided for day-to-night-time operation. The BTA-50G can be completely remote-controlled from console if desired. If this method is employed it is not necessary to make manual adjustments on the transmitter itself. Complete overload protection and visible overload indication are convenient protective feature of the BTA-50G.


The RCA Type BTA-50G Broadcast Transmitter consists of four equipment cabinets, two of which house the power amplifiers (Ml-27601), one the exciter unit (MI-27602), and the fourth cabinet the rectifier and control unit, (Ml-27603). The high-voltage reactor (MI-27609) is able to be housed in the lower rear compartment of the exciter cabinet, and the 5 kv plate transformer (MI-27606) in the lower rear compartment of the rectifier and control unit cabinet. Both may be fastened to the floor as desired. A BTC-1C console, an antenna tuner, and monitoring equipment are optional items associated with the transmitter.

The transmitter is designed for "Ampliphase" operation in the 535-1620 kc AM broadcast band (Mittelwelle). The term "ampliphase" has been coined as a convenient reference to the phase-to-amplitude system of modulation in which the r-f signal is phase modulated by audio intelligence at a low level and then amplified by high gain class "C" amplifiers to the desired power and then converted to an amplitude modulated signal by a suitable output network.

To produce phase-to-amplitude modulation in the BTA-50G a carrier wave is developed by a common exciter. This carrier wave is then split and fed to two separate amplifier chains through phase-shift networks that establish a carrier phase difference. These two signals are controlled so that each maintains a prescribed phase relationship with the other in accordance with the intensity of modulating signal.

This controlled phase relationship enables the separate 25 kw amplifiers, when feeding their outputs into a combining circuit, to produce a maximum level 50 kw amplitude modulated signal.

Mechanical Description

In general, the transmitter layout consists of three basic parts: the four in line cabinets which contain the major part of the transmitter; the wall mounted switchgear components; and the main plate transformers.

It is desirable to leave a passageway at the right end of the front line cabinets since the circuit breakers and overload relays are most accessible from this end of the transmitter. The layout of the front line cabinets is such that a common exhaust duct can be used to carry off heated air from the transmitter.

To make this transmitter adaptable to existing transmitter buildings, the main distribution components are wall mounted as shown on the overall floor plan (following page). The mounting of these components is not critical as to location. They can be mounted in existing power distribution areas if desired. These components are the Main Plate circuit breaker, a Delta-Wye switch, a Distribution circuit breaker, a 460 to 230 volt bank of Distribution transformers, and two single phase open Delta connected regulators with their control panels. These components are wired through conduit and overhead ductwork to the main plate transformers and the transmitter cabinets,

Circuit Description

The BTA-50G r-f is generated by an 807 crystal controlled oscillator, operating at carrier frequency. This signal is amplified and then separated into two channels differing in phase by 180 degrees. Each signal is then passed through d-c modulator stages so adjusted that a phase difference of approximately 135 degrees exists between the two signals. Modulation is appiled at this point to each r-f channel by a variable resistance type of phase modulator.

At the output of the phase-modulated stages, each r-f signal has a phase excursion of approximately ±22.5 degrees when modulated 100 percent. The modulation process consists of the injection of a variable resistance into the plate tank circuit of the 5693 modulated stage in accordance with the modulation intelligence. This variable resistance is obtained through the use of grounded grid cathode follower stages utilizing 5692 triodes.

The outputs of the modulated stages are then fed through the 16)4 amplifier stages. The power level after the 1614 amplifiers is in the order of 5 watts, sufficient to adequately drive the following class "C" amplifier stages. These stages use 4-250 tetrodes which in turn drive 6076 air cooled tetrode amplifiers.

The PA output circuit is a conventional pi-network type of tank circuit. Each tube has its own tank circuit, with a common output shunt element. Each network is set-up as a 90 degree network with the characteristic impedance required to convert the lood resistance to the value required for optimum operation of the PA tube. Subsequent operational tuning is accomplished by adjusting the input shunt element, to provide a non-reactive load for the tube.

Die oben stehende Beschreibung ist erheblich gekürzt

Sie soll nur mal zeigen, was die RCA-Ingenieure alles so geschrieben hatten, ohne Rücksicht, ob der Chef des Senders auch nur ein Wort davon verstanden hatte. Viel interessanter sind die technischen Daten dieser 50KW Mittelwellen-Sender, von denen es hunderte in den USA gab.


SPECIFICATIONS (auch hier nur ein Ausschnitt)

Electrical Specifications

  • Power Line Requirements:
  • Line -- 460 volts, 60 cycles, 3 phase
  • Power Consumption.....94 kilowatts (approx.) at zero modulation
  • Power Consumption....100 kilowotts (approx.) at average modulation
  • Power Factor ..................90%
  • Power Output (ot transmitter terminals).....53 kilowotts (max.)
  • Frequency.........Any specified between 535 ond 1620 kc
  • Frequency Stability..........Assigned frequency ±5 cycles

  • Audio Input ..................... +10 dbm
  • Audio Response............ ±1.5db 50-10,000 cycles
  • AF Distortion...........Less than 3% RMS 50-7500 cycles
  • Noise level................60 db below 100% modulation

Mechanical Specifications

  • Cabinet Siie........... 44" wide, 84" high, 63" deep
  • Overall Weight..........12,000 lbs. opprox.
  • (das sind etwa 5443 Kilo oder 5,4 Tonnen


Hier eine besondere Eigenart des amerikanischen FM Signals

Im amerikanischen UKW-Signal - Mono wie auch Stereo - sind ein oder 2 weitere Sub-Channels enthalten, die gegen Entgelt dekodiert (abonniert) werden können und den ganzentag Musik mit wenig Werbung übertragen. Die amerikanischen Stors, die Läden und Kaufhäuser und Malls nutzen das, weil sie das Signal einfach nur auf ihre Haussprechanlage auf/einschalten müssen.


BTX-1A Subcarrier Generator

The STX-1A Subcarrier Generator is designed to provide a frequency modulated r-f signal having a center frequency in the range of 30 to 67 kc. When used in conjunction with the RCA BTE-lOB FM Exciter, an FM station can multiplex up to two channels in addition to the regular program channel on a single r-f carrier.

Crystal units providing a center frequency of 32.5, 42, 59, and 67 kc are currently available for use in the generator. All components of the BTX-1A are mounted on a vertical chassis designed for standard rock mounting.

The equipment employs miniature tubes in all stages except in the power supply which utilizes an OD3 voltage regulator and germanium rectifiers in a bridge circuit. Other features include a built-in monitor oscilloscope which permits instantaneous check and adjustment of all five AFC frequency dividers, and the control action of the phase detector.

The BTX-1A circuitry consists of a master oscillator, push-pull reactance modulators, crystal oscillator, automatic frequency control, subcarrier muting stage, mixer, cathode follower output stage, alignment oscilloscope and a power supply. Two reactance modulators are connected to the oscillator plate, and the pushpull grids are inductively coupled to the plate tank. R-f voltages on the two modulator grids are 180 degrees out of phase with respect to each other, and each is 90 degrees out of phase with the oscillator plate.

Thus one tube appears as a capacitive reactance and the other appears as an inductive reactance across the oscillator tank. The magnitude of the reactive component presented to the tank coil varies with the audio voltage applied to the modulator grids. The frequency of the oscillator is varied accordingly. The meon frequency is controlled by the bias voltage applied to one grid by the automatic frequency control circuit.

Type BTX-1A Sub-Carrier Generator

Performance Specifications

  • Type of Modulation.....................FM
  • Center Frequency Range of Sub-carrier .....30-67 ke/s
  • Output Voltage. ...„............5 volts min.
  • Audio Frequency Response (50-6,000 cps) ... ±1db
  • Harmonic Distortion (50-6,000 cps)......... 1.5%
  • FM Noise Level (referred to 100% mod.) .... -60 db max.
  • AM Noise Level (referred to Carrier) ...... -50 db mox.
  • Electrical Specifications
  • Power line Requirements:
  • Line.......240/208 V, o-c, 50. 60 cps, jingle phase
  • Power Consumption.................100 watts
  • Weight ..........._......„......40 lbs.



Bei den Preisen haben wir nichts gefunden, das auch nur im Entferntesten auf die Kosten einer dieser riesien Antenmasten und der dort oben montierten Antennen verweist. Vor allem die Aufstellkosten können nicht unerheblich sein, wenn man die Fotos alle betrachtet, auf denen diese Antennen auf den höchsten Gipfeln der umliegenden Berge aufgebaut werden.


AM or FM Antenna Towers

Wide selection of AM or FM Antenna Towers
Self-supporting or guyed types of standard or custom-made designs
RCA also furnishes tower lighting and other accessories
RCA will help you plan your entire installation

RCA is well-qualified to assist you in the planning and selection of proper AM towers and a qualified erector to complete your installation. Improper or insufficient tower designs and poor erection and installation techniques should be avoided since they can be very costly to the Broadcaster.

Tower Considerations
The following procedure may be helpful as a check list in considering your tower requirements.

1. Determine station location with respect to service area. This study which will involve among other things joint proximity to other stations, CAA approval, cost of land, zoning restrictions, local regulations, etc., will result in a decision to use:

a. A self-supporting tower when land is unavailable as in city limits or on top of a building where total height of a tower is 500 feet or less.
b. Or a guyed tower where land is available.
2. Determine design parameters:
a. Wind load for area in which tower is located.
b. Type of antenna which is to be supported (when FM).
c. Ground system details.
3. Determine tower accessories such as:
a. Ladders.
b. Platforms.
c. Railings.
d. Lighting.
e. Microwave dishes.
4. Determine method of routing transmission line if tower is used for FM taking into account:
a. Accessibility.
b. Location of structural members,
c. Location of speciaf networks below tower top.

Wide Variety of Types
A wide selection of towers is available for all applications . . . these include standard self-supporting and guyed designs as well as custom designs. In order to facilitate selection of the tower most suitable, and as an aid to the station in determining specific requirements, a sample questionnaire is included here.

Das obige nur als Beispiel, daß RCA ein komplettes Spectrum an Technik angeboten hatte (quasi als "Vollsortimenter" wie Siemens) und alle Produkte koordinierte.




  • Preset "V" and "H" sweep positions for speedy, automatic lock-in at vertical and horizontal frequencies
  • Voltage-calibrated, frequency-compensated, 3-to-l step attenuator for vertical amplifier
  • Simplified, semi-automatic voltage calibration for simultaneous voltage measurement and waveshape display
  • Vertical-polarity reversal switch for "upright" or "inverted" trace display
  • Sturdy, single-unit, low-capacitance direct probe minimizes circuit loading
  • Shielded vertical-input connector and shielded cable for minimizing hum and stray-field pick-up
  • Positive-lock internal sync
  • Z-Axis input facilities permit direct modulation of the cathode-ray-tube grid


  • Anmerkung : Es ist einer der ganz einfachen 4,5 Megahertz Scopes, der auch bald danach nicht mehr konkurrenzfähig war gegenüber Tektronix und anderen Anbietern.


The RCA WO-91A 5-inch Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope is a new, low-cost instrument for use in production and servicing of both black-and-white and color television monitors and receivers. The general construction of the WO-91A makes it a readily portable instrument, useful in such applications as studio maintenance and trouble-shooting, general waveform analysis, adjustments of radio receivers and transmitters, square-wave and general testing of oudio equipment, peak-to-peak voltage measurements and observation of vacuum-tube characteristics. The new oscilloscope is a versatile and reliable instrument, well-suited to applications which require a dependable 'scope for extended operating periods.



  • Provides rapid check for all popular receiving type tubes for general quality, including interelectrode shorts and leakage
  • Tube-pin and test-voltage connections automatically set up by use of individual punched card for each tube type
  • Cards for new tube types can be prepared by user
  • Front panel calibration control permits compensation for above or below normal line voltage
  • Easily replaceable screw-mounted tube sockets
  • Lightweight, portable instrument housed in plastic covered case


The RCA WT-110A Automatic Electron-Tube Tester is designed to give a rapid check of a tube's usability by checking transconductance, gas, shorts between elements, and balance between sections of twin type tubes. In a matter of seconds readings are provided on a 4 1/4" meter in terms of "Renew- ? -Good" for all popular receiving type tubes. Other tube types can be included merely by preparing punched cards for those types of special interest. The gas condition of the tube is also indicated on the meter.

The "outstanding feature" (das ist nun wirklich völlig übertrieben) of the WT-110A is the use of an individual punched card for each different type tube to automatically set up all tube-pin and test-voltage connections when the card is inserted into the panel slot of the tester. It is not necessary to adjust external switches or other controls to set up pin and operating-voltage connections for the tube. The WT-110A is designed for general service and testing use by skilled or unskilled personnel.

The WT-110A Automatic Electron-Tube Tester is a modern high-speed test device utilizing methods of automation. The "brain" or control-center of the instrument consists of a matrix made up of two gold plated printed circuit boards interconnected by gold plated pins, springs and eyelets.

The matrix is activated by inserting a punched card and slipping the power lever into operating position. This simple process immediately sets-up a combination of from 15 to 20 circuits which permit: socket connections to as many as ten pins, 220 combinations of heater voltage, 10 bias voltages, 5 plate voltages, 11 values of cathode resistors, 2 screen voltages and 50 quality sensitivity ranges.

In a matter of seconds the tester gives a true indication of a tube's usability by checking transconductance, gas, shorts between elements and balance between sections of twin type tubes. It also tests each section of multi-section type tubes with no paralleling of sections.

A set of pre-punched cords for 7-pin ond 9-pin miniature, octal- and loctal-type receiving tubes is supplied with the WT-110A. The cards, made of durable plastic, are permanently hinged in the case adjacent to the tester and are indexed in numerical-alphabetical sequence by tube type. The punched-cord system accommodates the popular receiving-tube types employed in television and rodio receivers, including diodes, triodes, tetrodes, pentodes, ond multiunit receiving tubes which have similar and dissimilar units. The instrument can also be used to check certain industrial type tubes. Cords may be prepared for additional tube types. Card punching information is obtainable from the Radio Corporation of America.

Und gleich nochmal die Verkaufsbüros in den USA


  1. Atlanta 3, Ga. 1121 Rhodes-Haverty Bldg., Jackson 4-7703
  2. Boston 16, Mass. 200 Berkeley Street, Hubbard 2-1700
  3. Camden 2, N. J. Front & Cooper Streets, Woodlawn 3-8000
  4. Chicago 54, III. 1186 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Delaware 7-0700
  5. Cleveland 15, Ohio 1600 Keith Bldg., Cherry 1-3450
  6. Dallas 35, Texas 7901 Empire Freeway, Fleetwood 2-3911
  7. Hollywood 28, Calif. 1560 N. Vine Street, Hollywood 9-2154
  8. Kansas City 6, Mo. 1006 Grand Avenue, Harrison 1-6480
  9. New York 20, N. Y. 36 W. 49th Street, Judson 6-3800
  10. San Francisco 2, Calif. 420 Taylor Street, Ordway 3-8027
  11. Seattle 4, Wash. 2250 First Avenge, South, Wain 2-8350
  12. Washington 6, D. C. 1625 K Street, N. W„ District 7-1260


Und endlich geht es los mit den Preisen vom Dez. 1961


PRICE LIST FOR AM-FM Transmitting Equipment

PRICES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1961 - Broadcast and Communications Products Division Radio Corporation of America Camden 2, N. J.


RCA broadcast equipment is sold directly to broadcast stations through the Broadcast Sales Representatives operating out of the convenient sales offices listed below. These Broadcast specialists are available to assist you in discussing the application of broadcast equipment.

In ordering equipment, please indicate the Master Item (MI) number for each equipment. This will help us to speed the shipment to you. The Purchaser shall be responsible for all transportation charges, and shipments will normally be forwarded with shipping charges "collect." Your purchase order should specify the method of transportation desired, otherwise RCA will use its best judgment. The cheapest method of transportation is not always used as this may not always result in the most rapid delivery. Certain items, such as vacuum tubes, are usually shipped by Express because of the design of carrying container, insurance, etc.

AM-FM Transmitting Equipment Price List (Dec. 1961)


  • Anmerkung : Auch hier haben wir nur eine Auswahl der Produkte gelistet, weil die vielen Zubehörteile überhaupt nicht mehr interessant sind.


  1. AM Transmitters.... 4
  2. FM Transmitters.... 4
  3. Input and Monitoring... 5
  4. Remote Control.... 5
  5. Tuning and Phasing.... 5, 6
  6. Transmission Line.... 6-8
  7. Transmission Line Accessories... 8,9
  8. Dehydrator Equipment... 9
  9. FM Antennas.... 9
  10. AM-FM Towers.... 10
  11. Tower Accessories... 1O
  12. Sampling Loops.... 10
  13. Dummy Loads.... 10
  14. Isolation Filter Inductors...10,11
  15. Remote Antenna and R-F Meters... 11
  16. Test and Measuring Equipment... 11


AM TRANSMITTERS (up to 99 tausend Dollar)

BTA-250M 250 Watt AM Broadcast Transmitter....................................................$ 3,090,00
- Complete Set of Spare Tube* for BTA-250M Transmitter ......................................102.20
- Recommended Set of Spare Tubes for BTA-2S0M Transmitter............................. 51.10

BTA-500R 500 Watt AM Broadcast Transmitter................................................... 1,725.00
- Complete Set of Spare Tubes for BTA-500K Transmitter..................................... 225.13
- Recommended Set of Spare Tubes for BTA-500R Transmitter.............................. 117.63
- Conelrad Conversion Kit for BTA-500R.............................................................(e) 470.00
- Power Cutback Kit for BTA-500R......................................................................... 340.00

BTA-1R1 1 KW AM Broadcast Transmitter
including Power Cutback Kit................................................................................ 5,210.00
- Complete Set of Spare Tubes for BTA-1R Transmitter......................................... 237.83
- Recommended Set of Spare Tubes for BTA-1R Transmitter................................ 102.98
- Conelrad Conversion Kit for BTA-1R...............................................................(e) 470.00

BTA-ST 5 KW AM Broadcast Transmitter (replaces BTA-5R/R1) ..........................17,745.00
- Complete Set of Spare Tubes for BTA-5R1 Transmitter ....................................1,017.83
- Recommended Spare Set of Tubes for BTA-5R1 Transmitter ............................. 477.98
- Conelrad Conversion Kit...............................................................................(o) 890.00
- Power Cutback Kit for BTA-5R1 (5kw to 1kw or 500 watts)..........................(e) 890.00
- 5 KW to 10 KW Power Conversion Kit (less tubes)......................................... 3.855.00
- S KW to 10 KW Power Conversion Set of Operating Tubes........................... 254.30
- 5 KW to 1 KW Power Cutback Kit for BTA-5H/10............................................... 310.00
- Conelrad Conversion Kit for BTA-5H710H.....................................................(e) 890.00

BTA-50H 50 KW "Ampliphase" AM Transmitter.................................................. 99,750.00
- Complete Set of Spare Tubes for BTA-50H Transmitter ...................................3,840.41
- Recommended Set of Spare Tubes for BTA-50H Transmitter............................ 1,917.78
- SO KW to 10 KW Power Cutback Kit for BTA-SOH.............................................. 3,625,00

  • Anmerkung : Conelrad muss hier erklärt werden :
    CONELRAD (Control of Electromagnetic Radiation) was a method of emergency broadcasting to the public of the United States in the event of enemy attack during the Cold War. - used between 1951 and 1963.
    Es war quasi der Warnsinal-Sender und dazu der Empfänger - Bild rechts - bei eoem russischen Atomschlag.


FM TRANSMITTERS (up to 112 tausend Dollar)

BTF-1D 1 KW PM Broadcast Transmitter (complete)................................ 6,290.00
- Set of Operating Tubes for BTF-1D........................................................ 214.14
- Set of Spare Tubes for BTF-1D.............................................................. 202.70
- Remote Power Control Motor................................................................. 94,00

BTF-5D 5 KW FM Broadcast Transmitter.............................................. 13,600.00
- Complete Set of Spare Tubes for BTF-SD.............................................. 578.14
- Recommended Set of Spare Tabes for BTF-5D...................................... 566.70
- Auxiliary Equipment Rack (specify door color)...................................... 372.00

BTF-10D 10 KW FM Broadcast Transmitter (complete).......................... 18,850.00
- Set of Operating Tubes for BTF-10D....................................................... 578.14
- Set of Spare Tubes for BTF-10D............................................................. S66.70

BTF-20D 20 KW FM Broadcast Transmitter (complete).......................... 31,450.00
- Set of Operating Tubes for BTF-20D.................................................... 1,103.14
- Set Recommended Spare Tubes, BTF-20D.............................................. 596.70

BTF-25B 25 KW FM Transmitter..............Discontinued

BTF-50B 50 KW FM Transmitter, complete .........................................112,500.00
- Set Operating Tubes, BTF-50B............................................................ 4,097.15
- Set Recommended Spare Tubes, BTF50B............................................ 1,593,30

BTE-10B 10 Watt FM Exciter................................................................ 2,520.00

BTX-1A Subcarrier Generator ..-.......................................................... 2,310.00
- Complete Set of Operating Tubes for BTE-10B FM Exciter...................... 58.14
- Recommended Set of Spare Tubes for BTE-10B FM Exciter..................... 46.70
- Complete Set of Operating Tubes for BTX-1A Subcarrier Generator ...... 44.64
- Recommended Set of Spare Tubes for BTX-1A Subcarrier Generator...... 39.74
- Spare Crystal for BTE-10B FM Exciter..................................................... 90.00
- FM Stereo Multiplex Equipment, including:
BTS-1A MI-560001 FM Stereo Subcarrier Generator, (not sold separately) ...1,250.00

- Werbung Dezent -
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