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Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom May 1962 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.



Sharing "star billing" in the RCA exhibit at the recent NAB convention were seven "new generation" broadcast equipments.

The new generation lineup included :

  1. an experimental "M-Channel" color camera, TK-42X ...
  2. a 4 1/2-inch I.O. monochrome camera, TK-12 ...
  3. a S1MC0X (Simplified CONtrol) television switching system, TS-100 ...
  4. a transistorized tv tape recorder, TR-22 ...
  5. a high-resolution tv film recorder, TFR-1 ...
    and matched stereo equipment including
  6. a dual-channel audio consolette,
  7. a BC-7 and
  8. a professional audio tape recorder, RT-21.

In concept, in circuitry, in components, in construction and styling, these equipments mark a radical break from previous designs -and from the old practice in which new designs were largely modifications of preceding types.

New Look

Visitors to the RCA booth were greeted by a new look in both equipment and exhibit. Steel-blue, silver-sheathed space-age styling pervaded the new equipments which were set in a background of crisp white. The spacious white theme was carried throughout the exhibit - right down to the white vinyl "Tessera Corlon" flooring supplied by the Armstrong Cork Company. *1) The effect was that of the well-equipped tv station of the future.

In appearance, the new generation equipments have much in common. They are distinguished by clean, cool lines, functional flair, and relative compactness.
*1) "Tessera conies" in 20 color styles - is ideal for heavy traffic commercial interiors, either on-gradc or below-grade. It has a .090-inch overall gauge with a .058-inch wearing surface - with wear characteristics equal to Battleship Linoleum. For further data write: Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa., attention, Mr. Clyde Hess.

New Design

In circuits and components the new generation equipments feature many advances. Use of transistors and nuvistors lead to compactness, high reliability and low maintenance cost. Stabilized circuits reduce warm-up time, eliminate drifting, provide simplified operations.

A New Line

The "new generation" equipments - which are further described on following pages - are the beginning of a new line of broadcast equipment designed for remote control and automated operation, and built to give convenient operation, easy access to components and extreme rugged-ness.

Live Studio

In the live studio area, RCA's experimental color camera, TK-42X, introduced a new concept in color broadcasting, the forerunner of camera equipment for tomorrow's color tv stations. This M-channel design adds a monochrome channel to the red, green, and blue color channels found in present day color cameras. As in four-color printing, the addition of black is designed to improve color detail and registration. It also provides sparkling black-and-white pictures in color transmission.


The TK-42X, shown at the convention, incorporated many unique features and was displayed in order to get broadcaster reaction to these advanced new techniques. When the comments and suggestions of broadcasters are all received and digested, RCA plans to develop a color camera which will truly reflect the needs of color television for the future.

Four pickup tubes are used in the TK-42X Color Camera.

Three 1-inch Vidicons are used for the red, green and blue channels, and a 4 1/2-inch Image Orthicon is used for the monochrome, or M-channel. A built-in zoom lens has been incorporated in the design. Use of this single lens of variable focal length assists in preserving uniform color balance, reduces dollying and facilitates remote control operation. Another advance is the incorporation of stabilized circuitry to permit simplified operation and provide uniform picture quality.

TK-41C Color Camera

Also on display was the Type TK-41C Color TV Camera, which is the standard of the industry. This third generation model of the first practical color studio camera is availahle for stations desiring to take advantage of the big push to color.

Now embodied in the TK-41C are precision yokes assuring accurate image regisstration, and new color optics (prisms instead of flat plates) which eliminate spurious reflections in the received picture.

Significant improvement in electrical stability of amplifiers and I.O. control circuits have been incorporated into the TK-41C. These eliminate much of the daily setup routine and reduce the warmup period formerly required.

4 1/2-inch I.O. Monochrome Camera

Monochrome pictures as recorded by the various tape and film recording equipments were provided by two TK-12 monochrome cameras operating in the studio. These new generation cameras were particularly effective in this use, since their inherent fine picture detail, superb grey-scale rendition and freedom from halo effects assure better tape recordings.

Featured in the TK-12 are stabilized circuits which compensate for changes in temperature, line voltage, and aging. Circuits warm up quickly; pictures are ready for use within minutes after the camera is turned on.

Unique engineering features include an 8-inch viewfinder providing a much larger and brighter picture (200 ft. lamberts). Special effects can be seen on the view-finder, permitting the cameraman to adjust the camera position to best advantage. Remote iris control permits adjusting all lenses simultaneously.

Many other features make the TK-12 extremely easy to operate - the source of finest pictures available.


Television pictures recorded on film and played back in less than two minutes highlighted the film recording demonstration. This feat was accomplished using a new generation Television Film Recorder, TFR-1, in conjunction with an Eastman Viscomat hot processor, TP-6 projector and TK-21 Vidicon Film Camera Chain. Put to the severest of tests - comparing live input to film output on adjacent monitors - the TFR-1 produced pictures of consistently fine quality.

Using a completely different approach to producing high quality film recordings, this new recorder eliminates the shutter bar problem and, produces high-resolution pictures with consistenly fine results. Design of a high resolution Kinescope, self-adjusting circuits and a double aperture film camera - all enter into the creation of the TFR-1.

The new Kinescope is capable of resolving at least 800 lines at the center of the raster and at least 600 lines in the corners. It provides a highlight brightness in excess of 160 foot lamberts. It can produce sufficient highlight brightness to permit operation of the camera at reasonable F stops.

It is also capable of producing "blacks" immediately adjacent to "white" areas. "Dynamic Beam Focusing" - the mixture of several focusing waveforms - is employed to maintain minimum spot size. The result is more uniform focus.

Reproduction of detail by the display tube is enhanced by reducing dispersion, halation, and blooming. Since exposure is precisely controlled, an optimum transfer characteristic is achieved. The slow-speed camera virtually eliminates vibration. Use of a double aperture eliminates the so-called shutter liar. This excellence of picture quality is reproducible in day to day operation - without need for specially trained personnel or unusual procedures.

Other new features include a completely automatic method of exposure control based on comparison to a calibrated standard. Desired contrast is selected by means of calibrated filters.

Controls have been simplified - the two main operating controls are pedestal and gain. Each operation is fully instrumented. A multimeter is included for reading significant voltages throughout the equipment. A built-in waveform monitor has pushbutton inputs for monitoring important functions. A signal light system indicates proper operation - warns of possible circuit misadjustments. These facilities make it easy for the operator to get and maintain a consistently high standard of film reproduction.


RCA's newest tool for simplifying complex television switching operations - the TS-100 Switching System as designed for WBZ-TV, Boston - was shown in simulated operation. The system features "SIMCON" (SIMplified CONtrol) which represents a new concept in pre-set switching for either manual or automated operation.

From the TS-100 a number of basic systems can be custom built to individual broadcasters needs. In the basic systems there is just one button for each picture source. The buttons are back-lighted and show red when the source is "on-air", and green when it is preset.

The same buttons are used to setup the next source - whether the transistion is to be a "cut", a "lap" or a "wipe". If desired these buttons can be used to control associated mechanical equipment - start and stop tv tape recorders, film slide projectors, etc.

With the addition of other simplified controls, the basic switcher can also perform audio switching and provide special effects, as may be required. Operation can be completely automated with the addition of clock and memory units.

The great flexibility in the modular design of the system components and operational features permit TS-100 systems to be assembled to fit the most complicated requirements of the largest station or the normal requirements of any station. TS-100 Systems reduce the complexity of the operating position, lessen the danger of switching errors, provide possible operating economies and make feasible any degree of automaticitv desired.


A model FM stereo station, with complete studio and transmitting equipment was featured. The equipment represented the RCA "matched system concept" in which individual units are engineered to complement each other, assuring highest quality results. Several new equipments were featured in operation.

Stereo Consolette

A new Dual-Channel Consolette, BC-7, provided complete stereo or monophonic mixing, switching monitoring and cue/ talkback. All transistor design of this unit features plug-in amplifiers for ease of servicing. When used for stereo operation, the master and monitor gain controls are ganged together for simplified operation. Smooth action, dual mixing controls are used in all stereo mixing positions. Five positions are available for stereo; ten for monaural use.

Stereo Tape Recorder

The new RT-21 Professional Tape Recorder is ideally suited to stereo or monaural operations. The recorder is completely transistorized and accommodates two module amplifiers for stereo applications.

Easy speed change, simplified threading and variable cuing speed are only a few of the advanced performance features of the RT-21. Constant torque motors are used to assure uniform speed, and mechanical braking operates immediately in the event of power loss to prevent tape damage. Sapphire tape lifters and guides reduce wear and permit smooth tape movement.

Universal Pickup Cartridge

Shown for the first time was a new Universal Pickup Cartridge for both stereo and monaural operations. In this new design, easy replacement of plug-in styly eliminates the need for costly and time consuming factory repairs. Also stereo or monaural operation is determined by external electrical connections to the cartridge. The cartridge fits standard RCA 12-inch and 16-inch tone arms.

Stereo Transmitting Equipment

Two FM transmitters were highlighted in the exhibit - the BTF-1D and BTF-101). Both feature the RCA "Direct FM" exciter and silicon power supplies. The complete line of FM transmitters are designed to accommodate stereo signals and an SCA multiplex sub-channel.

Other equipments shown included the BTS-1A Stereo Subcarrier Generator, BTX-1A Mibcarrier Generator, and BW-73 FM Multiplex Monitor.


FIG. 1. One of the first sights to greet visitors to the RCA exhibit was the operating live TV studio and an introduction to a new generation in broadcast equipment.
FIG. 2. TK-42X experimental M-Channel color camera. The new camera uses four tubes to produce richer hues in color pictures and lor sharper black and white pictures. A single zoom lens replaces the familiar multi-lens turret.

FIG. 3. TK-41C color TV camera, standard of the industry. New features for 1962 include stabilized circuits for simplified operation, precision yokes for precise registration, and prism optics for sharp clear color pictures.

FIG. 4. TS-100 Switchinq Syslem. The custom fc console displayed was desiqned for WBZ-TV in Boston. This represents a new concept in pre-set switching for manual or automated operation.

FIG. 5. TV's new control console handles all the station's switching operations, controls associated mechanical equipment, and can be completely automated by adding clock and memory units.

FIG. 6. TH-22 Transistorized TV Tape Console features all the latest TV tape advancements. Includes air bearing headwheel. Pix lock, carrier and deviation monitors - provision for color and ATC modules.

FIG. 7. Television film recording demonstration. TV pictures were recorded on film and played back through a TV film system in less than two minutes. Left to right are TFR-1 film recorder, Eastman Viscomal hot processor, and TP-6 projector with TK-21 Vidicor. film camera.

FIG. 8. Matched FM stereo equipment including {left to right) BQ-2C Turntable with Universal Pickup Cartridge. BC-7 Stereo Consolette and RT-21 Stereo Tape Recorder. Tn foreground is RCA's transistorized cartridge tape system.
FIG. 9. RT-21 Stereo Tape Recorder in new console mounting gives top quality stereo performance. Also includes special stereo ieatures such as module amplifiers and provision for extra stereo playback head.
FIG. 10. Newest RCA TV transmitter, the TT-25DH. Modem mechanical design reduces space requirements as much as 50 per cent over previous designs.

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