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Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom Dezember 1961 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.


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RCA TV Microwave Spans 136 Miles in a Single Hop!

New TVM-1B Equipment Carries TV Signals Over Great Salt Lake To KID-TV, Idaho Falls

Engineered by RCA specialists, this single-hop Microwave system transmits TV programs from a 9000-ft. mountain peak near Salt Lake City ... traveling across the length of Great Salt Lake, and through a mountain pass to the receiving point in Idaho, 136 miles away. From there the programs are distributed via another RCA Microwave link, 89 miles long, to station KID-TV in Idaho Falls.

"We're getting the kind of superior performance and reliability that one might expect from short-hop studio-to-transmitter links," reports Carroll Secrist, KID-TV Chief Engineer.

"The new TVM-1B equipment has been in operation since January 1961. A series of measurements recently made indicate: video signal-to-noise ratio (PP/RMS) ... 64db; audio signal-to-noise ratio ...
greater than 65db. Propagational reliability, conservatively estimated at 99.9 percent, is approaching 99.99 percent."

RCA's new TVM-1B Microwave Relay equipment is designed for maximum performance with reliability and economy in transmission of television programs in black-and-white and color. This superiority of performance and reliability is being proved daily in over 700 TVM systems now in use.

A new RCA TVM-1B Microwave system for your installation may be counted on to accomplish impressive results. Be sure to consult your RCA representative on your microwave plans. Or write to RCA, Broadcast and Television Equipment, Department ZB-22, Building 15-5, Camden, N. .J.

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