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Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom Dezember 1961 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.


The RCA TR-11 A "Compact" TV Tape Recorder

by H. H. KLERX Merchandise Manager, Electronic Recording Products

The RCA TR-11 TV Tape Recorder, is now in use at a number of broadcast and ETV stations. This compact unit is a fully compatible quadraplex recorder offering new economies in both price and operating cost.

It is designed for monochrome operation by both broadcast stations and closed circuit TV users. The TR-11 is completely compatible with existing tv equipment.

This means the tapes made on other quadraplex broadcast recorders can be played back on the TR-11. Likewise, tapes made on this TR-11 recorder can be played back on any quadraplex recorder.

  • Anmerkung : Es ist mir unklar, warum nach der Vorstellung der TR 22 im Frühjahr auf der NAB als modernster Farbrecorder nochmal der alte schwarz weiße TR-11 ausführlich beschrieben und dann noch als "kompakt" Gerät bezeichnet wird. In dem Bild sieht man doch, welche großen Schränke für die Röhrentechnik notwendig waren.


Basic TV Tape Design

Design of the TR-11 is based upon that of its senior partner the TRT-1B TV Tape Recorder. Many of the components and design techniques that have made the TRT-1B the top recorder for high quality taping requirements are used in this new compact model.

Picture quality from the TR-11 is comparable to TV tape recorders (hier der Plural ?? - welche außer Ampex gab es denn noch ?) priced much higher. The TR-11 meets and exceeds FCC requirements for "on-air" telecasting.

Wherever space or limited funds (Geldmangel bei kleien Sendern auf dem Land) have delayed the use of TV taping, or where further expansion of existing facilities is desired to handle increased tape recording and playback requirements, the TR-11 "compact" recorder deserves consideration.

3 standard equipment racks - siehe Bild

The TR-11 is completely housed in three standard equipment racks and occupies only 8.2 square feet of floor space. In order to accomplish this space reduction and offer a lower price, several features standard in the TRT-1B recorder have been omitted.

These include the 17-inch picture monitor, the 5-inch oscilloscope, audio cue channel facility, master erase head, RF copy provision, and automatic guide positioning. Also other areas of control and metering functions have been simplified. At the same time, no compromise in picture quality has been made.

Basic features of the TRT-1B

Basic features of the TRT-1B: such as electronic quadrature adjustment. RF equalization, built-in test switcher (prewired to make all important waveform and picture signals available for ease of setup and operation), simultaneous audio and control track playback, and remote control have been retained in the TR-11 to assure high standards of performance.

New Features

Those familiar with the TRT-1B recorder will note the design similarity shown in the TR-11 video functional diagram, Fig. 2.

Innovations which have been included in the new design are a switchable record/playback delay-line chassis, a 4 by 1 switcher, sync separation module for the processing amplifier, simplified control panel, and a manual control for mechanical positioning of the vacuum guide.

Single Chassis Record/Playback Quadrature Delay

The record/playback quadrature chassis, Fig. 3. is similar to the playback unit on the TRT-1B and is equipped with a ganged rotary switch that automatically transfers the proper quadrature correction when the TR-11 is in record mode.

Thus, this single chassis performs quadrature correction functions in both record and playback modes. While the operator has the ability to correct quadrature on improperly recorded tapes during playback, he must exercise caution to return the quadrature knobs to their original settings whenever he wishes to record.

4 by 1 Switcher

A newly designed 4 by 1 switcher, Fig. 4, performs the functions of both the 4 by 2 and 2 by 1 switchers in the TRT-1B. The design of the switcher incorporates a transistorized 4 by 2 circuit board on the 2 by 1 switcher chassis, which also includes the variable head equalizers. The redesign, however, eliminates the sync separation function from this unit. Sync

Separation Module

The sync separation function is contained in a transistorized module which mounts in the processing amplifier as shown in Fig. 5. This module also includes reference generator and frame pulse generator functions. The circuits perform identical functions as similar circuits in the TRT-1 Ji recorder. In addition, they have the ability to hanclie most non-standard sync, such as that used in many industrial-type television cameras.

Simplified Control

The simplified control panel retains basic tape control functions and also includes a simplified monitor switcher. Five video, two audio and five speaker/meter selector controls are provided. Operating controls include electrically interlocked momentary-contact position buttons for record, play, stop, fast forward, and rewind. All have illuminated tallys. There is also a control track phase adjustment and a head hour indicator and audio and video gain controls.

Monitoring facilities include: (1) a small switchable continuity speaker and associated amplifier, (2) a record current panel meter which indicates the individual video recording head currents on a switchable basis, and (3) a VU meter which has ASA standard characteristics and which indicates program audio input and output levels, audio channel erase current, audio channel record level and control track levels. All of the operating functions are illustrated in Fig. 6.

The panel adjacent to the control panel provides space for mounting an accessory TM-35 master monitor, if desired.

Included on this panel is a microphone input. The microphone is used in initial setup of the recorder and feeds the audio channel directly. Once setup has been accomplished, this audio information is automatically erased prior to recording program audio on this dual-purpose channel.

Manual Vacuum Guide Adjustment

Mechanical positioning of the vacuum guide is accomplished by a manual control located on the tape transport panel, see Fig. 7.

This allows operators to manually compensate for variations in head-to-tape pressure which may occur in playback of other tapes or as heads wear. This is a vernier type control providing precise setting of guide position. Once setup for a tape, it may be locked into position and stabilized until further adjustment becomes necessary.

Simplified Power Distribution

Because of the reduced power consumption in the TR-11 recorder, a single a-c power feed is supplied to one main connector, see Fig. 8. This simplifies power distribution and aids in reducing installation costs. The power distribution panel is built into the recorder. It is located at the rear of the control equipment rack and includes three a-c breakers to evenly distribute power throughout the equipment.

Accessories Aid Operational Convenience

A number of accessories can be added to the basic TR-11 recorder pictured in Fig. 1. These are designed to extend the
utility of the recorder and provide additional operational conveniences. Many of them can be mounted within the basic three-rack structure, and therefore will not add to the existing floor space.

To provide a convenient, compact master monitoring function at the recorder, a TM-35 monitor can be mounted in place of the blank panel adjacent to the control panel.

A master erase head may be installed in a position provided for it on the tape transport panel. Another position, just above the erase head, accepts an indicator lamp to show the presence of master erase current. Master erase is available in an easy-to-install kit form.

Remote control of the TR-11 can be accomplished by accessory remote control panels. One panel handles playback and record functions; also stop, fast-forward and fast-reverse controls.

Another panel, available separately, handles remote control of electrical functions - sync, pedestal and video. A remote control delegate switch is built into the TR-11 recorder.

A Pixlock accessory - which makes possible instantaneous roll-free switching as well as fades, dissolves, supers and special effects on tape - is also available. When using this accessory, the headwheel servo chassis supplied with the TR-11 may be removed and the transistorized Pixlock chassis installed in a portion of the space made available.

The remainder of this space will be available to house an accessory automatic timing compensator, if desired. This equipment is also transistorized. It performs many of the manual electronic adjustments automatically - in effect, removing residual jitter, scalloping, skewing and quadrature errors in the TV tape playback signal.

Air bearing headwheel panels are posible

Air bearing headwheel panels can also be used in the TR-11. These offer reduction in jitter, better picture quality and longer life. The head wheel panel itself can replace the panel supplied with the TR-11, however, the air pump must be mounted externally.

Useful in Many Applications

Many users will find both the compatibility and the low cost of the new TR-11 machine quite advantageous. This recorder can be used in conjunction with the TRT-lB recorder since it is a compatible machine.

Educators will find the compatibility feature very useful  - tapes produced on this recorder can be reproduced on all standard quadraplex-recorders. Furthermore, the owner of this RCA economy machine can utilize television tapes produced by quadraplex recorders. Thus tapes produced at ETV centers can be used.

Program producers, agencies and broadcasters will find that this economy recorder opens new possibilities in production.

Use of this recorder to record test shots, frequent takes, or pilots for previews does not tie-up the standard broadcast equipment.

Moreover, anything recorded on the economy machine can be played on the larger equipment with "on-air" quality.


FIG. 1. New compact TV Tape Recorder, TR-11, is housed in only three standard equipment racks and requires only 8.2 square feet of floor space. Several new design features have been incorporated to achieve space reduction while retaining excellent quality performance.

FIG. 2. Video functional diagram of the TR-11 compact TV Tape Recorder.

FIG. 3. Single chassis is used for manual control of both record and playback quadrature correction.

FIG. 4. This chassis incorporates the functions of both the 4 by 2 and 2 by 1 switchers iound in the TR-ll's senior partner,
the TRT-1B TV Tape Recorder. In the re-design oi this unit the sync separation function has been relegated to another chassis.

FIG. 5. The sync separation function is contained in this transistorized reference generator module, third unit from the left in the processing amplifier. This module also provides reference and edit pulses.

FIG. 6. Basic tape control functions are accommodated on this simplified control panel which also includes a monitoring switcher. In the panel adjacent to the control panel, space is available lor mounting an accessory TM-35 Master Monitor which includes both picture and wavelorm presentations.

FIG. 7. This manual control mounted on the tape transport panel determines mechanical positioning of the vacuum guide. Thus, the operator can manually compensate (or variations in head-to-tape pressure.

FIG. 8. Low power consumption in the TR-II permits a single a-c power feed to be supplied to one main connector. Three a-c breakers evenly distribute power throughout the recorder.

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