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Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom Juni 1961 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.


Hier ein paar RCA-Werbeanzeigen aus 1961

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Die Anzeige für die RCA TV Tape-Recorder

In dem großen Bild sehen sie 2 172 der ersten RCA Quadruplex Recorder nach dem Ampex Patent. Dieser Röhren-Recorder umfasste 4 große und vor allem hohe 19" Racks mit allen Netzteilen und wog weit über 250 Kilo. Der große Farb-Kontroll-Monitor stand dabei ganz rechts außen auf einem separaten Schrank. In den Racks waren auf Augenhöhe monochrome Monitoren installiert.

We get the tough jobs because we have RCA TV Tape!"

..... says Bob Byloff, Reeves Studios, New York

"We're often called upon to edit a production that picks up film clips and tapes from several sources, combining them with tape, film and live pickup. The technical excellence of RCA TV Tape Equipment gives us an edge on the really complicated assignments. We find our RCA TV Tape facilities give us the ability to actually improve on the quality of tapes, regardless of origin.

With RCA TV Tape, no job is too tough to tackle!" More and more producers and stations are now using RCA TV Tape Systems. They get superior results from a completely matched line of equipment.

The system includes TV Tape Recorders, Studio Cameras, Film Cameras, Projectors, Monitors, Switching and Special Effects.. . matched both electrically and mechanically to work together. RCA makes it feasible to get everything from a single reliable source ... equipment that is built and operated according to proved broadcast procedures ... backed up by top engineering counsel and service everywhere.

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Eine der ersten Anzeigen für einen sogenannten Trickmischer

Wir sind in 1960/61 und diese Technik basiert noch auf der Röhrentechnik. Das ist schon ein Wunder, das die RCA Ingenieure da gebaut hatten und das damals kein anderer hate. RCA bewirbt dieses "Special Effect System" mit 150 verschiedenen "possibilities". Irgendwo hatte ich auch Bilder von dem Riesen-Schrank.

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Der RCA Farbfernseher

The most exciting new profit ingredient in local broadcasting is


Today, 104 TV stations, network and independent, are equipped for local color. Most of them are programming in color on a regular daily basis.
Other stations, in large and small markets, are tooling up-33 plan to acquire live equipment, 44 plan to acquire film equipment in the near future. These station operators know that they must invest in color now if they want to enjoy improved profits in the '60's,

Look what local color can mean to you:
• Color provides an exciting promotable plus.
• Color builds station prestige . . . strengthens station image in minds of viewers and advertisers.
• Color doubles program ratings in color homes.
• Color commercials have greater impact-3 Hi times recall over black & white.
• Color attracts new local advertisers. Department stores, automotive dealers and others need and want color.
• Color wins praise from newspaper TV critics.
If you want to know more about profits in color, call or wire William Boss, Director, Color TV Coordination, .RCA, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, N.Y.C. Columbus 5-5)00.

The Most Trusted Name in Television

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und es gab auch noch die "Monochrome Camera" TK-12

New TK-12 Monochrome Camera by RCA Provides Finer Product Detail... Better Brand Identification

Pictures of products and people come up clearer and sharper than ever with this new RCA camera. It gives you better definition for better product detail ... it provides improved rendition of gray scale for improved brand identification. The 43^ inch 1.0. tube means 50% larger image for greater picture detail. And lighting can be used more creatively to provide added emphasis on product features, thus improving the quality and believability of your live or tape commercials.

For instance, your lighting can either be arranged for overall effect, or to emphasize the product for best brand identification. Furthermore, you can vary
the emphasis at will and the camera will pick up all the wanted details and faithfully reproduce them. Advertisers will welcome the well-lighted, highly detailed pictures that can compete with the best magazine photography. Give your station a competitive edge with the TK-12 Camera.

See your RCA Representative or write, RCA Broadcast and Television Equipment, Dept. P-22, Bldg. 15-1, Camden, N. J. RCA Broadcast and Television Equipment, Camden, N.J.

Finer Detail for Better Brand Identification
Improved Gray Scale to Dramatize Product Features

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