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Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom Juni 1961 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.



Broadcasters who visited RCA at the 1961 NAB Convention in Washington DC, May 7.-10. 1961, had the opportunity to see first hand the most comprehensive display of radio and tv broadcasting equipment ever assembled. The entire ballroom of the Shoreham Hotel was turned into a panorama of progress in broadcasting-demonstrating the newest and latest in the RCA line of broadcast equipment

Color television equipment, a complete family of tape recorders, equipments for tv automation and FM stereo broadcasting were the highlights of newest developments. The following pages present a picture story of the exhibit.

Die Bildersammlung


RCA's Growing Family of TAPE RECORDERS

Everything for tv tape operations was exhibited in the area shown above. Included were systems for broadcast use - a new Transistor Design Console Model, TR-22 and new standard TRT-1B Models lor both color and monochrome use.

Also introduced were two new recorders for closed-circuit use; the Slant-Track Recorder, MR-700, and the Compatible TV Tape Recorder, TR-11.

New RCA Tape production accessories were demonstrated in operation. These include Switch Lock, Pix-Lock and Automatic Timing Control. Use of Switch Lock permits instantaneous tape-lo-tape switching free of roll-over. Pix-Lock provides this same convenience plus the facility of producing tape-to-tape fades, dissolves and special effects. Automatic Timing Corrector (ATC) eliminates residual jitter, scalloping, skewing and quadrature timing errors in the tv tape signal.

Everything For FM STEREO

The first stereo subcarrier generator offered for sale was the center of attraction at the RCA stereo display. Many of these pre-production models were sold to stations eager to begin stereo broadcasting as soon as possible.

The full line of post-war RCA FM transmitters can be used for stereo operation without change. RCA's new FM transmitter line offers the ability to transmit an SCA subchannel in addition to stereo.

Audio equipment for stereo featured everything needed to originate stereo programs. Turntables, pickups, preamplifiers, tape recorders, and consolettes specially designed for stereo were shown.

The new stereo equipment easily integrates with existing monophonic equipment, and the stereo gear offers excellent monophonic performance when stereo is not being used.

Newest TV Camera Developments For COLOR and MONOCHROME

The stage of the "Hotel Shoreham" ballroom was converted to a live tv studio. Highlighted here were the new TK-41C Color Studio Camera and the new TK-12 Monochrome Studio Camera. TV pictures originated here were distributed to a battery of tv tape recorders, switching and special effects equipment, monitors and color tv receivers that filled the busy ballroom.

Both of these new tv cameras are representative of the latest developments in the camera art. Significant improvements have been made in picture quality. These are coupled with the new operational advantages - fast warmup, ultra-stability and reduction of setup routine and maintenance.


FIG. 1. New transistor design TV Tape Recorder, TR-22, is the top-of-the-line equipment in RCA's growing family. Use of solid state components makes possible significant savings in size, weight and power consumption. The TR-22 is completely self-contained in this compact new console.

FIG. 2. New Slant-Track Closed Circuit Recorder, MR-700. Using a different principle from the other recorders in the family, this recorder records information on slant angle across the tape. Only two recording heads are used. Tape speed is cut in half - thereby using only half as much tape to record.

FIG. 3. New TV Tape Editor - developed for NBC by engineers of RCA's Astro-Electronics Division. It facilitates editing of tape programs with a speed and accuracy comparable to present film editing techniques. The television editor may select, view, compare and evaluate groups of frames in tape programs and then select the exact beginning and ending frame of the sequence he wishes to remove or alter.

FIG. 4. Everylhing for the FM stereo system is the theme of this display. It includes RCA studio stereo equipment, the stereo sub-carrier generator, and the full line of FM transmitters.
FIG. 5. Sum and difference signal transmission foi the new FM stereo system is easily accomplished with the new RCA stereo generator. This compact all-transistor unit generates the supersonic double sideband suppressed carrier AM signal that contains the stereo difference signal. The main channel FM signal is the sum of the two stereo channels, and for receivers not equipped for stereo il sounds like a normal monophonic signal.

FIG. 6. This new dual-channel stereo consolette, Type BC-7, is ideal for all types of stereo and mono operation. Its all transistor design means long life and highest reliability. Stereo pick-up cartridges and duar BA-26A equalizing preamplifiers permit easy stereo conversion of existing turntables. Stereo (ape recordings are easily made and played on the new RT-21 Tape Recorder.

FIG. 7, New Studio Color Camera, TK-41C and new 4V4-inch Image-Orthicon Monochrome Camera, TK-12, pick up activity from the live studio and distribute color and monochrome pictures to displays throughout the exhibit.
FIG. 8. Model demonstrates just how easy it is to get finest pictures from the TK-12 camera.
Since operational requirements are vastly simplified, cameramen can concentrate on the ultimate picture lor best results.

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