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BROADCAST NEWS of April 1961

Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom April 1961 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.


RED-EO-TAPE FEATURES "Location Editing" of color TV productions

One of the most unique, as well as useful, features of the Skelton RED-EO-TAPE system is the speed in set-up and striking of locations. For example, during production of a show or commercial it is normal to have power on the equipment not more than 7 minutes after arrival at the location. Within 30 minutes, color cameras are warmed up, ready to go to work.

In a specific case, moving from Hollywood and Vine to a drugstore location some three miles distant, only 45 minutes elapsed from the order to strike until the crew was ready to start shooting again.

At Disneyland, upon completion of snooting a Bell Telephone show, all three color cameras, cranes, cables, etc., were loaded and the caravan ready to roll in 35 minutes!

New Camera Technique Saves Time

Mr. Robert Cobler, chief engineer, reports that considerable crew time has been saved by employing a color camera balancing technique developed at Skelton Studios. The tv cameras are first balanced under studo lighting conditions, and by use of color correcting filters can be moved outdoors for back-to-back shooting. This eliminates the normal rebalancing time occasioned bj the change of color temperature.

Location Editing Helps Production

This technique permits completion of a tape on location. Two or more cameras are used for shooting. The control desk is designed to permit switching of live camera inputs to the tape recorder.

There is a film and slide system installed and the control desk can switch these inputs to the tape recorder also.

As the control desk switches any of the inputs to the recorder, the audio follows the video automatically. A specially designed RCA transistor system handles switching with fast, clean breaks and no rollover. Switching time is of the order of a millionth of a second.

A special effects control panel is built into the control desk - adjacent to the switching panel.

The director has a choice of over 150 effects that can be programmed into the tape production, and inserted upon cue by the movement of a lever, when switching inputs to the recorder. Upon completion of shooting, therefore, a finished tape is ready to be put into the container, and eminently suitable for telecasting!



FIG. 0, Color TV will lake to the road in this fully equipped color cruiser.

FIG. 1, Three Skelton RED-EO-TAPE Mobile Units. Control room bus is at left foreground, and the recording unit directly behind. The power and equipment storage bus is at right.

FIG. 2. Setting up for "Cinderellas Castle" sequence of "Bell Telephone Hour." Two color tv cameras are employed to permit "live editing" in the production unit during recording of the sequence on color tape. Hence, when they return from location Skelton Studios will bring back a finished tape - complete with special effects! Color television captures all the natural realism of the fire department in action on the main street of Disneyland. This will enable people all over the nation (and the television world) to enjoy for themselves the colorful combination of fantasy and history that comprises Disneyland.

FIG. 3. Skelton Studios three mobile color tv units on location, at Disneyland. One unit houses control and switching equipment, including special effects - this is the production center. Second unit houses tv tape recorders and film system. Third unit houses power generating equipment - to operate the system on location - space for storage, and. a machine shop.

FIG. 4, Mr. Cooler, chief engineer, Skelton Studios, seated at technical director's desk in the production unit. It is here that "live editing" is achieved. The director can switch cameras, insert film and slides. and put special effects on tape - while the tv cameras are shooting the action.

Bild :
Skelton Studios Shoots Color Tapes of Disneyland for NBC Series

FIG. 6. The genial comedian himself. Red is at his very best on color' television. He is also one of the loresighted pioneers of the tint medium. At right is Hal Maag, RCA vice-president, Western Distributor and Commercial Relations. At left is Adron Miller, manager, RCA Film Recording and TV Service Center, Hollywood.

FIG. 5. Hydraulic lift gate enables one man to handle a TK-41 Color TV Camera by himself. Watching the demonstration are: Gibson Scott, director of transportation, Robert Cobler, chief engineer, and Edward Hilley. studio manager of Skelton Studios.

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