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1987 - Ein Flyer der "neuen" BTS mit Philips gibt Einblicke ....

Die Robert Bosch AG Stuttgart holte 1986 Philips mit ins Boot, weil dieses Boot bereits bedenklich schwankte. Dieser kleine Flyer gibt Einblicke, wie zwei Produktfamilien zusammengeführt werden mußten. Zur Einstiegsseite hier klicken.


Hier nochmal die Kerninformationen aus 1987/88

Die Firma Robert Bosch AG Stuttgart fing 1986/87 an, ihre Tocherfirma BOSCH Fernsehanlagen GmbH in Darmstadt Zug um Zug zu verkaufen. Laut diesem Prospekt aus 1987/88 hatte Philips bereits einen Anteil von 30% an der deutschen Bosch-Tochter übernommen. Der Anteil wurde später auf 50% und dann auf 100% erhöht.

Der Flyer vom Jan. 1988

In diesem Prosekt (einem englischsprachigen Flyer) kommt ganz deutlich die Problematik einer Migration von zwei Wettbewerbern in einem kleinen Markt zum Ausdruck. Was in dem Prospekt nicht zum Ausdruck kommt, war das langjährige Drängen der BOSCH Mutter auf eine profitable Firmen-Entwicklung.

Jedenfalls war es 1987 überhaupt nicht einfach, die Philips Kamera-Produkte aus Breda und die Fernseh-GmbH Produkte aus Darmstadt deutlich voneinander zu unterscheiden und nebeneinander darzustellen.

Beispiel : Bei der Migration von Hewlet & Packard und Compaq (HP hatte Compaq übernommen) zum Beispiel wurden recht schnell alle HP Server aus dem Programm genommen, weil die Proliant-Server von Compaq (ehemals sogar von DEC) einfach besser waren. Dafür wurden die restlichen PC- und Notebook- Produkte von Compaq gestrichen, weil da die Produkte von HP wiederum besser waren.

Das hätte man damals bei der Migration zu BTS auch machen sollen, es ging aber vermutlich nicht. Die neuen BTS Kameras (KCM 125) waren sehr gefragt, Philips arbeitete aber bereits an den moderneren CCD-Chip-Kameras.

Jetzt folgen die einzelnen Produkte der neuen BTS samt der Gruppen-Titel und der Überschriften

Die Produktseiten werden einzeln kommentiert, denn nach 40 Jahren hat fast niemand mehr einen Überblick hat, welches Produkt aus welchen Labors stammte.


BTS Broadcast Television Systems GmbH is the joint company of Bosch and Philips - two of the greatest names in broadcasting.

The new company with approximately 2.300 people,represents a combined force that is unequalled in the industry across the world.

  • Anmerkung : Die "FESE" in Darmstadt hatte in ihren Glanzzeiten über 3.200 Mitarbeiter. Inzwischen - und mit Philips in Breda bereits verschmolzen - sind es nur noch 2.3000. Diese Zahlen sagen doch deutlich, wohin der Trend geht.

The new BTS offers an increased worldwide sales representation, with a wider product range, unparalleled systems and service support, in fact, whatever you require whether it's a complete range of television equipment for a major broadcast event, like the next Olympic Games, a new studio, an outside broadcast van or just a single monitor.

Customers are asked to address enquiries to their local BTS representative, who is able to call upon technical expertise from the Corporate Office in Darmstadt, West Germany. For customers all over the world BTS operates a 24-hour emergency service and arranges training services on customer's premises, at a BTS office, or at the headquarters in Germany.

This catalogue gives you a brief outline of the capability of BTS. Full information on individual products is available on request. The diagram shows the organisational structure of the new company.

Beeindruckend, diese "Bosch Television Systems" Fotos

Ein Bld aus den Glazzeiten - BTS Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany Corporate office and supply center for cameras, VTRs, Telecines, Graphics, Switchers, Monitors and Terminal Equipment as well as complete turnkey systems and studio systems.
BTS Breda, The Netherlands. Supply center for camera products.
BTS Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Supply center for video graphics and switching products.

In diesem Gebäude gab es vermutlich nur ein einziges Office.

BTS Mahwah, New Jersey USA, US sales center.



Bosch, based at Darmstadt, West Germany, has been in television from the beginning. When the company 'FERNSEH AG, Berlin' was founded in 1929 Robert Bosch had already held discussions with John Logie Baird.

It has always been a pioneering force in video production techniques and a special organisation,  Division, was formed in 1974.

During the 1970s Bosch and Philips together created the 1" B-format videotape, now in use worldwide and the key to modern high-quality video reproduction.

  • Anmerkung : Das stimmt so aber gar nicht. Die Philips Entwicklung mit dem Riesen-Schrägspur-Scanner hatte im Profibereich nie richtig funktioniert. Erst die BOSCH Entwicklung des BCN-Laufwerks mit dem schlanken Scanner (abgeguckt von einer AMPEX Idee bei Arvin/Echo) hatte funktioniert und dem 1" Format etwa 1975 zum Erfolg verholfen. Von den diversen Philips 1" Recodern redete damals bereits kein Mensch mehr.


The Philips laboratories in Breda :

Philips Broadcast, the other BTS partner, is based at Breda in the Netherlands and has also been active in broadcasting since its inception (wann war das ?). Philips introduced the Plumbicon TV camera tube (etwa 1960) and developed prism optics - which together have done a great deal to enhance the picture quality of colour television.

Both companies have great experience in studio systems of all sizes. In thousands of different installations, professional broadcasters throughout the world can testify to their joint expertise and capability.

  • Anmerkung : Auch das stimmte nicht. Philips Studioeinrichtugen spielten in Europa wie auch in USA so gut wie keine Rolle, die professionellen LDK-Fernseh-Kameras hingegen schon, aber nur, weil Philips eine US- Vertriebsfirme (mit Namen Norelco) innerhalb von Philips Nordamerika hattte.

Sports events have led to major contracts for both companies throughout television history, including most Olympic Games, many athletics meetings, the world ski championships and the soccer World Cup finals in 1986.

  • Anmerkung : Um eine Olympiade oder Weltmeisterschaft zum Beispiel komplett auszustatten, mußten die Hersteller im beinharten Wettbewerbmit der Komkurrenz kräftige Nachlässe oder gar deftige Einbußen akzeptieren. Die Verluste wurden immer auf "Marketing"- Aufwand gebucht.



Computer-drawn printed circuit board design.
Research into prism optics.

Companies most successful in today's products prove to be those already well advanced with those of tomorrow. The BTS product spectrum ranges from electronic cameras to magnetic recording machines for audio and video, from the appropriate editing equipment, telecines, black and white and colour monitors, to text and graphics systems, video mixing and switching equipment.

The services provided by BTS include consultation, planning, installation and initial operation-from a single studio to complete, turnkey complexes.

BTS has extensive research and development facilities in Darmstadt, Breda and Salt Lake City. Constantly emerging from these laboratories are new product developments including new performance characteristics and new applications as well as expansion possibilities in hardware and software.

And with the extensive BTS after-sales service and maintenance organisation these innovations are soon known and made available to all equipment users. As for tomorrow's products, BTS will continue to promote the progress of broadcast technology.


Today's TV centers and studios must increasingly accommodate a wide spectrum of interdependent technologies from video, audio and lighting to air conditioning, transport and storage; all of which rank equal in importance.

The large degree of interaction between these technologies necessitates the use of a central planning organisation to ensure that the individual system potentials are fully achieved.

Similarly, the realisation of such a project demands a centralised and continuous coordination of constructional phases, deadlines and costs.

Only decades of experience in the rapidly advancing field of studio planning and execution is the qualification for the kind of management outlined above. The combined experience of Bosch and Philips in the creation of studio systems has now been focussed into an unrivalled joint capability, enabling any television broadcasting authority to commission complete integrated schemes from one supplier.

Entire turnkey projects can be handed-over fully operational -included system design, building construction, support services and OB vehicles as well as the full complement of studio and outside broadcasting equipment.


Soccer World Cup 1986, Mexico. One of over 200 cameras supplied. (Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft mit Philips / Norelco Kameras vom Typ LDK6

Since the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Bosch and Philips have been bringing the world pictures of nearly every major historical event.

  • Anmerkung : Bei den 1936er "Olympics" war Philips überhaupt nicht dabei. Außer der Fernseh AG waren das Telefunken und die staatliche RRG (die Reichs Rundfunk Gesellschaft)

Both companies were influential in the spread of monochrome television in the pioneering days. And with the introduction of colour, another impressive list of nations from Africa and the Far East looked to Bosch and Philips for the equipment to introduce their first colour television broadcasting followed by the supply of high technology computer cameras and systems equipment.

This expertise has also been utilised for conferences large and small in Eastern Europe, the Arab States, Scandinavia, Australasia, India, Africa and South America.

Bosch and Philips are the major suppliers to the European broadcast industry. Both have a history of close coopertion and consultation over the development of products and new technology. EBU standard committees and SMPTE joint project broadcasting are actively supported by Bosch and Philips.

In the USA our sales record is equally impressive. Our (Philips-) colour cameras satisfy the exacting standards of US- television producers. Production studios, PBS networks, corporate studios, universities and professional users alike continue to install our computer cameras, telecine, video tape recording machines and video graphics systems.

  • Anmerkung : Der USA Auftritt der BOSCH Fernseh war absolut unerfolgreich. Weder die Kameras aus Darmstadt noch die BCN Recorder konnten irgendwelche nennenswerten Stückzahlen verbuchen.


500 OB vans

Bosch and Philips together have been responsible for many major developments in the philosophy of outside broadcast television throughout its history, supplying equipment for some 500 OB vans - a larger number than any other manufacturer.

Today their Outside Broadcast units are providing regular service to most countries of the world, including the USSR, Nigeria, China, Indonesia, Middle Estern and Latin American countries as well as to many of Europe's most influential broadcast organisations.

In the USA, too, leading broadcasters like ABC use BTS cameras for prestige field production. The order for the Soccer World Cup in Mexico 1986, won by Philips and covering cameras, OB vans, switchers and other products, was the largest-ever for broadcasting equipment.

E13-E23 Series for ENG/EFP-Production

Family of electronic news-gathering and field-production small-van units, containing up to 3 cameras, 4 to 8-input vision mixer, 6 to 8-channel audio mixer and 2 portable VTRs. Power generator trailer for operation away from mains supplies.

• 5.5 to 7 m vehicle
• 2.8 to 7.51 weight
• Up to 3 cameras
• 4-8 input vision mixer
• 6-8 channel audio mixer
• 2 portable VTRs
• Power generator trailer

Standard Universal 'U'-Series Vehicles

Vehicle 6 to 8.7 m length, 6 to 141 weight, separate video-and audio operation rooms, 4 cameras, 2 VTRs, 16 inouts/2 level videomixer, 12/2/2 audiomixer.

Vehicle 10 m length, 161 weight, 3 separate rooms for technical supervision, video- and audio-production, stowage at the rear, 4 tripod cameras, 1 portable camera, 2 VTRs, 16 inputs/2 level videomixer, 20/4/2 audiomixer.

Television OB trailer van for large scale TV productions with extensive equipment and comfortable operating conditions, 15 m length (trailer 12 m), 281 weight (trailer 221), 3 production areas, 5 air-conditioning units, 4 tripod cameras, 1 portable camera, 2 VTRs, 16 inputs/2 level-videomixer with digital effects unit, 36/16/2 stereo-audiomixer.

New OB Van Design from BTS

Der Ü-Wagen vor dem Landesmuseum in WIesbaden

This is the new concept in outside broadcast vehicles. The provision of more space while retaining compact dimensions, high quality video and audio equipment, low overall weight, as well as new styling are the most important features.

With its dimensions of 7.2 m length, 2.5 m width and an interior height of 1.95 m, the vehicle offers ample space for the six-man operating crew.

The roof, which has a safety rail, is also accessible and can be used as a camera platform. This new OB van design, with its high degree of cost-effectiveness, is equipped with four Betacam/SPVTR systems.

The cameras, which are type LDK 54 or LDK 90, are equally suited to studio and out-door operation. A new feature of the vehicle is that the video cabling uses four millimetre coaxial cable, this saves weight and space. The audio and video areas are separate - with separate desks for production control and post-production. A lot of new constructional features are typical of the standard of quality provided by BTS.


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