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Das Verkaufsprogramm der FERNSEH/BTS / Philips/Thomson

In diesem Prospekt- und Katalog-Bereich finden Sie das über die Jahre gewachsene unglaublich große Verkaufsprogramm der Darmstädter/ Weiterstädter Broadcast-Firma. Ich möchte hier anschaulich demonstrieren, daß ein sogenannter "Vollsortimenter" im Broadcast- Bereich ein außerordentlich großes Produktspektrum anbieten mußte, bei dem ein einzelner Vertriebs-Ingenieur fast nicht mehr durchblicken konnte. Insbesondere mit der Digitalisierung ist die Produkvielfalt um ein Mehrfaches gewachsen und zusätzlich sind die Ansprüche der Abnehmer auch deutlich gestiegen. Mehr Informatioen dazu finden Sie auf der einführenden Seite über "Kataloge und Prospekte".


Teil 2 (von 2)


Routing Switchers and Control Systems


Routing Switchers and Control Systems are available for

  • Standard bandwidth video and audio signals
  • Wideband (> 70 MHz) analog component video
  • Analog component HDTV signals
  • Digital component (4:2:2/CCIR 601) and 270 Mbit/s serial video signals
  • Digital AES audio signals

The product range provides

Small compact switcher in 10 X 1; 10 X 10 configuration
Large configurable matrix systems

Control Systems and Controllers

Different control systems and controllers either in rackmount or desktop version are available to meet virtually any control requirement.

Control System Controllers Page Routing Switcher Page
Party line CP-14.. 33,34 BSX-350/351 31
      BVS-350, BAS-350 31
      TAS/TVS-2000 32
  CP-16.. 34 TAS/TVS-3000 32
BCS/ICS CP-3000 36 TAS/TVS-2000 32
(Integrated CP-3020/21 37 TAS/TVS-3000 32
control system) MC-3000 37    
  MC-3020 37    
RS-422 serial RC-350 34 34 BVS-350, BAS-350 31
  LC-350 34    


Routing Switchers


Small Switcher Systems


BSX-350A Series und BSX-350V Series

BSX-350A Series - 10 X 10 Audio Routing Switcher
BSX-350V Series - 10 X 10 Video Routing Switcher

The BSX 350 V/A 10 X 10 Video/ Audio Routing Switchers are 10-input by 10-output switchers with crosspoint and output boards that are identical to those used in the TVS/TAS-2000.


10 inputs / 10 outputs
Crosspoint and output boards are identical to those used in BTS TVS/TAS-2000
Audio switcher harmonic distortion: less than 0.005%
Video switcher bandwidth: 20 MHz
Compatible with all BTS TVS/TAS-2000 control panels
Automatic backup power supply option
Accepts up to three BTS 350 Series distribution amplifiers 3.5-inch rack mount

BSX-351 - High Bandwidth Routing Switcher

The BSX-351 is a 10-input-by-10-output video matrix which uses components of the TVS-3000 routing switcher. It consists of a 10 X 10 video matrix card, a video output amplifier card, a matrix control card, and a power supply.

The BSX-351 can be operated either as a stand-alone unit, or slaved to another TVS-2000 or 3000 matrix system. Either of two methods of control can be provided. Party line control allows the use of the wide range of control panels over a single, 75-ohm coaxial cable. Alternatively, using the BTS Integrated Control System (BCS-3000), the matrix can be controlled over a local area network.

This integrated control system is a software oriented approach which allows not only for control of the matrix, but also VTR, telecine, and other machine control functions.

A complete line of 10 X 10 mono and stereo audio matrices are available to complement the BSX-351.


60 MHz -3dB bandwidth, compatible with HTDV
Compact, 19" chassis occupies only 2 RU of space
Vertical interval switching
Selectable DC clamping or AC coupling
Crosspoint memory during power failure

BVS/BAS-350 - 20 X 1 Switcher

AFV , audio-only, or video-only switching
Fully wired for expansion from 10 X 1 audio/video up to 20 X 1 video with 20 X 1 stereo audio Audio performance: less than —95 dBv (ref. 0.775 V) noise, less than 0.002 % THD
30 MHz video bandwidth Requires LC-350 Local and/or RC-350 Remote Control Panel.
Both panels provide status
Optional control via TVS/TAS-2000-type control panels 3.5-inch rack mount

BVS-350 C - Analog Component Switcher System

Three-channel video switching, ideally suited for component applications such as R, G, B; R-Y, B-Y, Y; etc.
30 MHz bandwidth
10 in X 1 out or 20 in X 1 out configurations available
10 X 1 version is fully wired for expansion to 20 X 1
Requires LC-350 Local and/or RC-350
Remote Control Panel.
Both panels provide status Optional control via TVS/TAS-2000-type control panels 3.5-inch rack mount.

BSB-3000 - Audio Patchbox

The BSB-3000 is a cost efficient audio/ time code switcher and stereo phase inverter accessory for VTRs. Using the BSB-3000, the VTR operator can quickly combine or re-arrange up to five audio and time code signals from a playback machine into appropriate lines leading to the plant's routing switcher.

During recording sessions, the BSB-3000 can be used to run audio/time code signals onto whatever tracks are desired. Stereo out-of-phase problems can also be corrected.

Switches up to five channels (four audio plus one time code)
Stereo phase inverter on playback side
Split mono channel into left and right stereo channels — mix left and right stereo channels into one mono channel
Front panel display of crosspoint status (switch settings) — battery-protected memory stores up to 10 switch setting patterns
Automatic balanced/unbalanced line matching

Switching Systems/Matrices


TVS/TAS-3000 - Wideband Distribution Switching Systems

TVS/TAS-3000 - Wideband Distribution Switching Systems
TVS/TAS-2000 - Standard Distribution Switclung Systems

The new BTS TVS/TAS-3000 Wideband Video/Audio Distribution Switcher provides a video bandwidth of 70 MHz - measured with a full-amplitude (1 Vp-p) sinewave or video signal. It takes advantage of surface mount technology to reduce signal path length and stray capacitance effects, providing the flattest possible response through every stage. The TVS/TAS-3000 is designed to deliver wideband performance with matrix sizes of 200 inputs X 200 outputs or more.

Both the TVS/TAS-2000 and the TVS/TAS-3000 system include a very broad range of user-configurable video-audio switching and control panels, including facilities for adding extra units to expand existing systems.


70 MHz (-3 dB) bandwidth with TVS/TAS-3000
20 MHz bandwidth with TVS/TAS-2000
Multilevel breakaway capability
Coaxial party line or RS-422/ RS-232 control standard RS-422/RS-232 computer control option
Internal refresh memory with 120-hour memory save
Vertical interval video switching
Clamped video inputs
Field expansion of inputs and outputs without rewiring
Dual video outputs
10 X 10 matrix arrangement
TVS/TAS-2000 provides 60 X 10 audio and video, or, 130 X 10 audio or video in 8-% inch high card cage
TVS/TAS-3000 provides up to 160 inputs with 10 outputs, or, 70 inputs with 20 outputs in 8-34 inch
high card cage

Switcher Party Line Control Panels


Except as noted, all control panels listed below will operate with TVS/TAS-3000, TVS/TAS-2000, TVS/TAS-1000, BVS/AS-350, BVS-350C, and BSX-350A/V:

Single-bus, 10-key Control Panel CP-1400/2
Dual Bus 10-key Control Panel
Category/number control panels. The dual version provides several control configurations, including X-Y.

CP-1410A - Control Panel

The new CP-1410A provides front panel entry of mnemonics and assignment of output buttons. Input selection is by category/number, with 16 possible categories.

Output selection is by button-per-output. 10 destination buttons along the top of the panel can be switched to an alternate set of 10 outputs, controlling a total of 20 buses. Separate buttons provided for addressing 7 individual levels.

CP-1420 - 20-Pushbutton Control Panel
CP-1421 - 20-Button Expansion Panel

CP-1420 configurations include:
Single-bus, button-per-source control with CP-1421 panels added to accommodate more inputs
Single-bus category/number control
Dual bus, button-per-source control
X-Y control, with CP-1420 used to select destination; adjacent CP-1421 used to select source. Alternately, left 10 buttons of CP-1420 can select destination, right 10 buttons select source

CP-1440/1 - Single Bus Leverwheel Control Panel
CP-1440/2 - Dual Bus Leverwheel Control Panel

Provides category/number selection using 3-column leverwheels. First lever selects 1 of 10 categories; alphanumeric names for these appear in LED window. 2nd two levers select unit 0 through 99. CP-1440/2 can be configured to control 2 switcher outputs, or, for X-Y control.

CP-3000 PL Switcher Control Panel

Controls TVS/TAS 1000/2000/3000 switchers
Runs on standard, extended or super party line
Controls up to 250 inputs X 250 outputs (super partyline)
Full matrix, category/number operation; selects one of 20 factory defined source categories (VTR, CAM etc.) and then using a 10-key pad, a unit within the category New HOLD, TAKES and SEQUENCES functions and additional pushbuttons for BREAK AWAY, CHOP, LOCK, PROTECT, OVERRIDE
Accepts mnemonics from PC/AT computer equipped with BTS download editor

CP-1600 - Full Matrix Panel

The CP-1600 is a full-matrix panel that can control up to seven levels. It uses the category/number technique for source and destination selection, with 16 possible categories. Switching is normally audio-follow-video; however, buttons below the display window can be used to address individual levels if desired; this would be followed by a breakaway category/number selection.

A large display window provides continuous all-level status, reporting the name(s) of the source that is being sent to the currently selected destination. Other functions include chop; lock, and numeric mode operation.

Serial (RS 422) Control Panels


RC-350 - Remote Control Panel (top)
LC-350 - Local Control Panel (bottom)

for BVS-350/350 C (page 31, 32)

TVS/TAS-2000/3000 Accessories


CI-2000 DL - Download Interface

The CI-2000 DL Download Interface allows an IBM PC/XT/AT-type computer to be interfaced to the TVS/TAS-2000 party line, permitting field programming or re-programming of the switcher's control panels and configuration of Status Monitor pages. There is also provision for producing a hard-copy printout of the programming information.

The present version of software will support 250 inputs and 150 outputs. Because the information downloaded to the control panels is stored in nonvolatile (battery-protected) RAM, there is no need for reprogramming following a power-down. The panels that can be programmed are: CP-1400A/1/2 DL; CP-1420 DL; CP-1440,471/2 DL; CP-1450,4/2/3/4/5 DL; CP-1600; and SM-2000A equipped for download use.

SM-2000 - Status Monitor Card

The SM-2000 status monitor provides alphanumeric status of entire matrix for display on a standard video monitor. Inputs for 80 outputs are shown as one display "page". Selection of pages can be remotely controlled via the party line control system.

Digital Switchers


DRS7 - 4:2:2 Digital Switcher

8 by 4 routing switcher for 4:2:2 digital signals (CCIR 601/656).

Features :
10/9/8-bit processing
The control philosophy allows cascading of several switchers DRS 7, thus - by the aid of digital video distributors (such as the D VA 7) - a crossbar system 8X8, 8 X 12, 8 X 16, ... can be created
Clock regeneration
10 user setups in non-volatile stores programable
Remote-controllable by affiliated remote controls or via ES-bus (with interface)
Remote control possible by x/y or pusbutton/crosspoint panels
Menu-driven operation by four softkeys and LCD display on front panel
Local crossbar operation mode between step-by-step and x/y selectable
Built-in self-diagnostics
Automatic selection between 525 and 625-line standard according to reference sync input
Autophaser (shifts the output signals to reference timing within 2 />is), individually selectable for each output; optional

Control Systems


SDR-400 - Serial Digital Video Distribution Switcher

The SDR-400 is a serial digital video router capable of up to 400 Mbit/s. A unique feature is that it is designed to be standards independent capable of handling compatible serial Dl and D2 signals, proposed 16:9 EDTV standards, and bit compressed HDTV standards.

The signal path has been carefully designed to minimize waveform distortion so that the system can operate without the necessity for data recovery and reclocking. This design allows the system to be standards independent, handling any serial digital format.

The basic building blocks are a 16-by-32 matrix and a 16-channel output. Each matrix input has automatic equalization for up to 500 feet (150 m).

The SDR-400 is offered in three sizes:
32 inputs X 32 outputs in four rack units, expandable to:
64 inputs X 32 outputs in four rack units, expandable to:
64 inputs X 64 outputs in eight rack units.

The SDR-400 uses the same "cross-point bus" technique as the BTS TVS/ TAS-2000 and 3000 series of analog video and audio routers, allowing it to be used as a companion to those switchers. The SDR-400 is compatible with the CE-2500 Control electronics interface and BCS-3000 Control system panels.

BCS-3000 - Integrated Control System

The BCS-3000 is a single, integrated system designed to control RS-422 or ESbus VTRs, telecine systems, a BTS distribution switcher, and other RS-422/ESbus devices. The devices to be operated are connected through controller/gateways to a single cheapernet cable, which is then connected to the necessary control panels and a file server.

Uses Cheapernet to connect control panel and VTR RS-422 buses. Controls BTS TVS/TAS distribution switchers.
Control panel and VTR buses can be configured for virtually any type of RS-422 control - including ESbus
Soft-key control panels. Provide rapid re-labelling and flexible assignment of push button functions
Control panels use BTS proprietary MPK (message per keystroke) technique to reduce cost - but are compatible with standard ESbus systems
Color video status displays Connects to BTS station automation system and master control switcher
Connects to existing TVS/TAS-2000 party line. No need to replace existing panels
Based on Hewlett-Packard 340 desktop computer. System can be updated/reconfigured from one location

CE-2500 - Router Control

CE-2500 Router Control is a smart low cost router control system, compatible with TVS 2000/3000 and SDR-400.

Interfaces to routing switcher via crosspoint bus supports switcher up to 256 X 256 and 32 levels Supports up to 48 control panels (BCS-3000/MPK Series) and facility Tally system (MI-3040 Series) External computer control via ESbus R/S dialect Active/Standby operation for redundant controllers Configuration via user supplied IBM PC/AT computer for Password, Protocolls, Switcher inputs, outputs and configuring input, output & level sets. Also Tally Relay and Tally Dependency. Compact (1 RU; 19" Frame)

CP-3000 Switcher Control Panel
CP-3010 Expansion Panel

CP-3000 and CP 3010 are universal MPK (message per keystroke protocol!) control panels for routing switchers in BCS-3000 or CE-2500 Control System.

CP-3000 can be configured for single-bus control (allowing selection of a source for one destination).
CP-3010 expansion unit allows display of names and status of eight destinations.
Scroll function to display possible 160 outputs.
Selects one of 20 factory defined source categories (VTR, CAM etc) and then using a 10-key pad, a unit within the category
Additional pushbuttons for BREAKAWAY, CHOP, LOCK, PROTECT, OVERRIDE
A password can be assigned to the panel if desired
Pre-defined sequences can be accessed for single-command switching of multiple sources to multiple destinations

CP-3020 Pushbutton Control Panel
CP-3021 Expansion Panel

CP-3020 and CP-3021 are single bus MPK control panels useable for BCS-3000 and CE-2500 control systems.

CP-3020 can select one of 20 inputs with up to 4 expansion panels CP-3021 added to the CP-3020 allowing button per input selection of up to 100 inputs Connects to RS-422/ESbus (looping input), connection requires 117/240 VAC

MC 3000 - Machine Control Panel

Universal machine control panel for facility control system BCS 3000 with message per keystroke (MPK) protocoU Allows for motion control Configurable for single or multiple machines by means of adjacent expansion panel CP-3010

MC 3020 - Machine Control Panel

Group delegation panel for particular device to be controlled (VTR)
Delegates control of a device to single control panel, a group of panels, multiple groups, or all remote panels

Master Control Switchers
Station Automation Systems


MCS-2000 - Master Control Switcher

The MCS-2000 offers more functions than traditional switchers, such as mix keys, key mixes, bordered video keys and color bordered matte keys. When integrated with the BTS Machine Control System, the MCS-2000 also provides full-function interface to VTRs and telecines. For complete automation, the MCS-2000 can also be connected to the BTS BTA-2300 system.

ALAMAR - Station Automation System

Master Control Automation for a wide range of studio applications with hard- and software solutions for:

  • Master control automation
  • Insertion of commercials
  • Traffic integration
  • Multi-channel feeds
  • Net delay recording
  • Production automation

Total automation from traffic to master control, with even the most complex transitions Centralized database for inventory control of commercials, programs, promos
Machine control system with automated multi-segment tape dubbing Integrated control of existing VTRs, character generators, still store and routing switchers Automated recording for delayed playback
True "as aired" logging
Control of multiple, independent
"on air" channels

The ALAMAR MC-2055

The ALAMAR MC-2055 is a multichannel/multi-user based system that permits operators to integrate existing traffic logs with control of switchers, cart machines, still stores and VTRs of all formats for commercial and program playback.

The MC-2055 utilizes distributed intelligence design for remote machine control. It communicates with SC-2000 interface controllers via standard ESbus serial interface bus. It accommodates up to 32 multi-user terminals and up to 32 on-air channels (32 independently scheduled program channels).

The GPRC (general-purpose record channel) option eliminates the possibility of missed network or satellite recordings due to an operator failing to place a VTR in (Record) manually. The SDC (all sources to destination channels) accommodates independent scheduling for the inhouse routing switcher.

The ALAMAR RCMP-5 remote control panel utilizes the ESbus network for communication and provides direct access to various studio equipment such as routing switchers, character generator, still store, automated camera systems, lighting consoles, general purpose relay contacts. The MC-2025 is a single-user based automation system that can accommodate up to eight on-air channels.

Production Switchers


DIAMOND / DIAMOND C - Production Switcher

The Diamond is a production switcher for CCVS (Diamond) or CAV (Diamond C) video signals. The architecture is based on an A/B switcher principle with 2 mix/effect stages (ME), a preset/program selection row and an integrated down-streamkeyer.

Besides the two main wipe generators a third effects generator allows wipes also in the preset/program stage. Each ME has 3 universal keyers, which all can contribute to any kind of transition (mix/wipe/add) simultaneously.

TOPAZ/TOPAZ C - Production Switcher

Considering the market demand for a production switcher below the level of the Diamond series, BTS has designed the Topaz.

The Topaz is directely derived from the Diamond. Compared to the Diamond, the Topaz is reduced by the preset/program stage; thus representing a switcher with 2 MEs ideally suited for the pretentious post production or for a smaller live production.

Common Features
MID (Mixer Input Delegation) allows to assign the inputs freely to desired input pushbuttons, thus enabling the operator to prepare the unit for individual needs (e. g. "live" or "editing").
PASS (Parallel Access Structured System) for simultaneous handling of different programs from several control panels.
AKA (Automated Key Adjustment). The key selection is performed automatically. Manual adjustment is also possible.
CRYSTAL KEY, i. e. the chroma key quality is excellent due to a special processing. Paint Mode Masking allows to draw digitally masking shapes on the screen.
EXTRA, Extended Transition, an integrated memo system which allows to create and edit sequences in a very simple and convenient way.

33 (30 + 3) inputs
Very compact:
Diamond / Topaz: 9 RU,
Diamond C / Topaz C: 16 RU
Figures above:
Remote control units, Baby panel and Auxiliary control panel

DYAD² - Composite Digital Mixer/Keyer

DYAD² represents a new concept in digital editing, where the acquisition of digital recording equipment does not necessarily obsolete a facility's investment in traditional analog terminal equipment.

DYAD² is a single mixer/keyer capable of performing high-quality linear keys, mix to keys, or mixes with all processing accomplished within the digital domain. DYAD" is suitable for use with one digital VTR working in Pre-Read mode, or a pair of DVTRs working in tandem for multi-generation and layering.

DYAD² contains an A/B switch which selects between two digital inputs for background video, which can come from either DVTR. Both the foreground video (fill) and the key video (hole) come from the existing analog switcher. DYAD2 also provides two digital outputs, which are fed to the same machines from which the digital input comes.

As pictured below, background video is played from one DVTR, and image and its key shape provided by the existing switcher are keyed over this background, and the result is recorded onto the second DVTR. The background remains solely within the digital domain, while the full power of the existing analog switcher is available to process the image being keyed as the current layer. In fact, once a layer is added it sees no further analog processing; up to 100 generations or more are possible with conventional composite digital recorders. To add the next layer, the A/B switch is flipped, and the play and record functions of the two DVTRs are exchanged.

While DYAD² has only the two digital inputs (A and B) for its background, it has both digital and analog inputs for foreground and key; thus, DYAD remains useful even after the editing facility has converted to all digital.


Stand Alone: Control is from a three button trackball. Character overlay on preview monitor provides assistance for trackball operation.

Serial Ports: Two serial ports. One provides control by editing system using RS-422 SMPTE protocol. Second may be either RS-422 or RS-232 and is reserved for future special applications.

GPI: Six GPI inputs - one starts key fade in - one starts key fade out -two for preset snapshot registers -two for background selection.


Mix only - mix to key
Manual mix control
Fade in duration - fade out duration (for use with GPI triggers)
Fade in percentage limit (for use with GPI triggers)
Key chroma trap on/off
Key gain level - key clip level
Key crop left/right/top/bottom
Key timing (hole vs fill)
Background select - Input A/Input B
Foreground select - Digital/analog
Key select - Digital/analog/self
10 individual parameter snapshot registers

DYAD2 is available in both NTSC and PAL composite digital versions.



CVS Series - Precision Color Monitors

The CVS color broadcast monitors have been designed for high quality evaluation of composite video signals in any common standard and RGB component signals. Optionally Y, Pr, Pb inputs are available as well as parallel and serial digital 4:2:2 and D1/D2 inputs.
The electronics are designed around a microprocessor system which handles the control of display parameters and provides operator feedback via screen display. Setting of the color temperature is easy by means of the optional light probe.

Main Features:
Self-convergence "In-line"-CRT, dot/slot mask (14", 20")
ASP, EBU or NC phosphors
Microprocessor control
Menu display
Adjustable aperture corrector
Multi-standard decoder for NTSC 3.58/4.43, PAL and SECAM
H/V delay, pulse cross display
Automatic color temperature alignment by means of optional light probe.

Options: Precision PAL decoder, PAL-M/NTSC, PAL-N/NTSC decoder, Analog component input, Digital component interface (parallel and serial), Digital input D1/D2, Extension to 5 inputs, Program and source display, Audio module, Auto set-up probe, Remote control, Rack mount

CVM 2000 Series - Quality Color Monitors
CVM 2500 Series - Rackmountable Viewing Monitors
CVM 2137 - Compact 14" Color Monitor

CVM monitors have been designed for economical viewing and control of composite and component signals. They are available in PAL or NTSC, CVM 2000 PAL/SECAM also as option.

CVM 2500 equipped with quad decoder. All models include automatic adjustment of color temperature, brightness and contrast by means of an optional light probe. CVM monitors provide operator feedback by means of on-screen menu display.

Main Features:

Self-convergence "In-line"-CRT Dot mask (except CVM 22 A FS with slot mask)
EBU/ASP calibrated phosphor (except CVM 22 A FS/HR) with NC-phosphor
MC control and automatic adjustment of color temperature
Inputs: 3 CCVS or 2 CCVS plus 1 ext. sync, RGB or Y, Pr, Pb, S-VHS (Y/C)
PAL (notch) or NTSC (comb filter) decoder
H/V delay pulse cross display (except CV 2500 series)
Audio monitoring Options: Remote control, Rack mount (except CVM 2137)
Light probe Menu display (except CVM 22A..)

CPM 2000 Series - Intelligent Stackahle Viewing Monitors

CPM 2000 Series monitors have been designed for monitoring color video sources. CPM 2000 benefits from the successful microprocessor controlled CVS and CVM 2000 monitor range.
Optimal screen surface in relation to the compact mechanical front dimensions. The CPM 2000 has a stack-able solid concept.

Main Features

Sizes: CPM 2053 (21"/53 cm) CPM 2070 (28"/70 cm)
Flat square CRT technology
On-screen menu assistance
Long-term stability by AKB system
High-quality sound by stereo dynamic power amplifiers
RF input facility as an option
Automatic color alignment by the keyboard Inputs:
- 3 CCVS or 2 CCVS plus 1 ext. sync
- RGB or Y,Pr,Pb
- S-VHS (V/C)
- Euro-AV in/out
-- Video in/out
-- Audio stereo in/out
-- RGB input
-- Blanking input

Stereo loudspeaker output
Color system quad PAL, NTSC 3.58/4.43, SECAM
Remote control (compatible with CVS and CVM family)

Test and Pulse


TM Series - TM-10E, TM-1000PS, TM-1500PS Multi-purpose Viewing Monitors

TM-Series monitors are preferably used with S-VHS equipment, (see page 50) because of the good picture quality, solid mechanical concept and ease of transportation.


  TM-10E TM-1000PS TM-1500PS ---------------------------------
Size 10725 cm 10725 cm 15738 cm
Phosphor NC*) NC*) NC*)
Pitch 0.47 mm 0.47 mm 0.49 mm
CCVS 1 2 2
Y/QS-VHS)   X x
Audio input 1 2 2
19" rack      
mount: x(dual) x(dual) X
19"RUs 6 6 8
Width (mm) 223 223 360
Height (mm) 236 227 336
Depth (mm) 343 327 394
Weight (kg) 9,9 9 16

TEST D7 - 4:2:2 Test Pattern Generator

The TEST D7 is a test pattern generator for digital component signals according to CCIR 601/656.

Line-repetitive test signals and zone plate signal
8 line-repetitive test signals selectable
Color area with 8 different colors, full-screen or split-screen Zone plate signal with variable temporal component, frequency markers
Two separate outputs for digital component signals
Outputs individually selectable to supply line repetitive test signals or zone plate signal
Simulation of bit errors within the timing reference signal
Insertion of ancillary data (line numbers and test lines) during horizontal and vertical blanking
Separate switch-off facility for the Y, Pr, Pb components
Adjustable horizontal timing Menu-driven control by four softkeys and LCD status display on front panel
Remotely controllable
Built-in self-diagnosis
Serial I/O port for diagnostics
Automatic change-over between 525 and 625 standard depending on reference input
Power-on status selectable

LDK 4220, LDK 4230 - Sync Pulse Generators

These sync pulse generators are intended for use in professional television systems and are available either in single (LDK 4220) or dual (LDK 4230) versions. They can operate in master or genlock mode. A number of options permits adaptation to individual requirements .


PAL and NTSC versions available
Dual SPG provides automatic changeover
Oven-controlled crystal oscillator for high stability
Master or genlock mode
High-resolution digital control of genlock phase
SC/H phase meets RS-170 A or EBU D 25-1979 in master mode LED indicator for nonstd. SC/H phase (PAL only)
Ident pulse for field 1
SC input for reference to external frequency standard
19" rack mounting, 1 RU for single, 3 RU for dual SPG


Test generator (color-bars, grid, PLUGE)
Source identification (inserts numbers 00 ... 99 into one CCVS color bar output), advanced timebase to compensate delay of digital signal processors, remote control
Colorbars of test generator are provided as CCVS or component (Y, Pr, Pb) signal

PM 5644 - Color Pattern Generator

The PM 5644 Color Pattern Generator produces the well known Philips circle pattern on a digital base. With a unique range of features for checking TV transmission and reception, the Philips pattern is used all over the world by broadcasters and PTT administrations. Customized station identification, with text or with a color logo can also make the Philips pattern a good "business card" for an individual TV station.

The pattern consists of a large number of individual test signals, which can be used to check most parameters of a transmission path, or the performance of a TV set/monitor. This makes the pattern a very useful tool for service technicians in the field. The pattern is stored in PROMs with a resolution of 10 bit and a 12 bit D/A converter is used for maximum accuracy.


Digitally generated Philips circle pattern or FuBK pattern Available in PAL, SECAM, NTSC and analog component Compact size: only 1 rack unit Low-power consumption 25 W High-resolution logo and text generator option 1 kHz audio output Optional clock and calendar locks to EBU/SMPTE time code Programmable text with optional IEEE-488 or RS-232 interface

PM 5640 - Video Test Signal Generator

The PM 5640 Video Test Signal Generator is the most comprehensive PAL test signal generator available. It is a high-precision, compact instrument, designed to generate a wide variety of commonly used color and black/white test signals.

The PM 5640 also enables the user to vary or remove different signal parameters such as video level, sync, set-up, color burst and composite video level. Superimposed signals and noise (hum and white noise) can also be altered.

VITS generation and insertion, with a full complement of CCIR, EBU and UK signals further enlarge the almost limitless possibilities of the PM 5640.


The most comprehensive PAL video test generator available
Simple to operate and program
More than 170 full field test signals & patterns
10 bit signal resolution
Unique alteration of all test signals
IEEE-488 remote control of all functions
Black burst, comp sync, comp blanking, SC, V & H drive outputs
Programmable VITS generator and inserter
Full color genlock
Non-volatile memory stores all settings

PM 5643G - Component Generator, SPG

High quality video production requires frequent checking of the performance of the various pieces of production equipment. The generator PM 5643G (625-lines version - gemeint sind 625 Zeilen !!!!)) provides a complete range of test signals essential for the testing and maintenance of analog component equipment.

With well over 100 specially designed test signals in all the analog component formats, the PM 5643G meets your requirements in maintenance and checking of:

Video Tape Recorders
Vision Mixers
Distribution Amplifiers
Color Monitors
Color Encoders

Regular checking and preventive maintenance of the production equipment minimizes the quality costs in video production.


GBR, EBU/SMPTE, Betacam, Mil, 3-wire and 2-wire formats
All the signals necessary for testing analog component equipment
Dub connector for Betacam and Mil VTRs (optional)
SPG with genlock facility
IEEE-488, RS-232 or TTL remote control (optional)
1 kHz audio output
Compact size and low-power consumption - 1 rack unit and 25 W

PM 5651 - Studio VITS Generator
PM 5652 - Studio VITS Generator, ED
(Hier stehen die Erklärungen !)

The PM 5651/52 Studio VITS Generator generates and inserts Vertical Interval Test Signals (VITS).
Generating VITS, or ITS, (Insertion Test Signals), the PM 5651/52 inserts these signals into the program signal within the vertical blanking interval. Information already inserted in the blanking interval can be removed (deleted or erased) without inserting new VITS.

With the PM 5651, an optional SID (Source Identification) generator can insert a special digital code in the blanking interval to identify a signal source (eg. STUDIO 2, VTR 24, OB 4, EFP4).

The PM 5652 has an input for external data signals (or video), such as teletext, time codes, or external identification codes.


VITS digitally generated for high accuracy & stability
Program protected with by-pass & sync comparison circuits
Low weight & small size for ideal mobile use
Internal matrix board for easy programming
Ideal for VITS insertion at machine level in large studio systems
Delete/erase lines without inserting VITS or VIRS

PM 5654 - VITS Generator and Inserter

This VITS Generator and Inserter PM 5654 inserts digitally generated test signals to guarantee high accuracy and stability. The instrument is available in 625-line version.

PM 5654 generates VITS (Vertical Interval Test Signals) as well as full-field test signals and inserts signals for TV transmitters, satellite links and terrestial microwave links. PM 5654 also inserts teletext and data. In transmitter as well as other applications, the instrument has automatic program signal substitution.

With built-in security measures to prevent unauthorized access to programming, the PM 5654 permits line selection directly from its front panel for storage in a non-volatile memory.
The insrument has special features like red, colorbar and 50/60 Hz and 250 kHz squarewaves.


Full-performance VITS Generator and Inserter with extensive full-field capabilities
Test signals digitally generated for high accuracy and stability Built-in security measures prevent unauthorized programming Line selection from protected front panel for storage in non-volatile memory
Program protection with by-pass relay is a standard feature Low weight and small size for ideal mobile use

PM 5661/62 - Wareform Monitor/Vectorscope

The two-in-one combination instruments, PM 5661 Waveform Monitor/Vectorscope and PM 5662 Waveform Monitor/Vectorscope with Sc-H phase display, deliver all essential waveform monitor and vectorscope capabilities.

The unit's compact size - only a half-rack wide - makes these combination instruments ideal for applications with limited space and restricted power.

PM 5661 and 5662 contain the wide range of measuring facilities required in TV broadcast studios, OBVs, ENGs, CATV head ends, and production studios. Either instrument is ideal for integration into video tape recorders.

And when Sc-H phase measurement is needed, then PM 5662 is a must. PM 5662 provides horizontal sync timing, relative to the reference subcarrier (burst), to verify color framing and signal format. PM 5662 Sc-H phase display greatly simplifies a previously complex monitoring and analyzing task.


Two instruments combined in one unit
PM 5662 with Sc-H phase display
Input signal subtraction (A-B) for easy color framing correction
All lines (525/625) selectable from front panel
Brightest and crispest displays

PM 5664 - Component/Composite Wareform Monitor

The PM 5664 waveform monitor gives new dimensions in alignment and monitoring in component and composite video environments. With the PM 5664 it is possible to measure virtually all parameters of a component video signal. It also gives the possibility to check the video signal after encoding into a composite signal.

Mal-adjustment of equipment such as VTRs, cameras and mixers quite often jeopardizes the quality of the video signal. Errors in amplitude and timing of the component signals will give serious faults in the picture like wrong colors and badly defined transitions. In order to ensure high quality of the programme material it is therefore necessary to not only monitor the video signals coming from cameras, VTRs etc, but it is also necessary to check and calibrate the production equipment at regular intervals.


Star display and vector display
Y/PB/PR, GBR parade and overlay display
Static non-linearity measurements
Color gamut error indication
Easy operation with on-screen menus
All lines selectable
Bow-tie display
Composite/component inputs

PM 5655 - Waveform Monitor

The PM 5665 Waveform Monitor delivers all essential waveform monitor capabilities.
PM 5665 contains the wide range of measuring facilities required in TV broadcast studios, transmitters, OBVs, ENGs, CATV head ends, and production studios. The instrument is ideal for integration into video tape recorders.

The A-B inputs capability greatly facilitates timing and phasing of two genlocked signals.


Input signal subtraction (A-B) for easy color framing correction
All lines (525/625) selectable from front-panel line selector
Available in NTSC and PAL versions
Familiar control panels for fast easy use
Brightest and crispest displays

PM 5667/68 - Vectorscope

The PM 5667 Vectorscope and PM 5668 Vectorscope with Sc-H phase display deliver all essential vectorscope capabilities.

PM 5667 and PM 5668 contain the wide range of measuring facilities required in TV broadcast studios, transmitters, CATV head ends, and production studios. Either instrument is ideal for integration into video tape recorders.

And when Sc-H phase measurement is needed, then PM 5668 is a must. PM 5668 provides correct phasing relative to the reference subcar-rier (burst). PM 5668 Sc-H phase display greatly simplifies a previously complex monitoring and analyzing task.


PM 5668 with Sc-H phase display
Higher resolution, even for differential phase up to 0.2 degrees
Easy access for adjusting astigmatism and trace rotation
Line selection possible via interface cable from PM 5665 Waveform Monitor
The color of the PM units delivered is 45 light-gray.

HDTV (Anmerkung : Das ist analoges 1250 HDTV)


KCH 1000 - Multi-Standard HDTV Camera

The KCH 1000 High Definition camera is designed for studio or outside broadcast applications. It provides state-of-the-art picture quality under any shooting conditions and is adaptable to all proposed HDTV scanning systems.

With high-performance processing circuits and a wide range of features, the KCH 1000 offers the highest resolution, sensitivity and signal to noise, combined with precision registration and outstanding color fidelity.

The KCH 1000 has a distributed logic system to control automatic adjustments and operating functions, both in the camera head and the Camera Control Unit.

(Anmerkung : Das System war auf 1250 Zeilen ausgelegt - also doppeltes 625 PAL, wobei laut Prof. Dr. Hausdörfer mit den von VALVO gelieferten "normalen" "High-resolution" Plumbicons oft nicht mal 950 Linien erreicht wurden.)


  • "High-resolution" Plumbicon or Saticon tubes (Saticons haben nie funktioniert)
  • All proposed HDTV scanning systems
  • F 1.5 optical system
  • Automatic cable length adjustment up to 300 meters, 895 feet, camera cable
  • RGB and Y, Cr, Cb, outputs
  • Dynamic lens error correction
  • Dynamic knee processor
  • Automatic beam control
  • Sophisticated master control panel
  • Compact operational control panel
  • Multi-channel sophisticated intercom system 46
  • Two high-quality microphone channels,
  • Teleprompter facility


CPH 1000 - HDTV Digital Image Enhancer

Digital HDTV Image Enhancer for two-dimensional signal enhancement of high definition television pictures.


  • Multi-standard
  • Remote control of settings
  • Balance of positive and negative detail
  • Adjustable coring level from 1.6% to 4.5%
  • Locking to tri-level sync external reference
  • Tri-level sync can be inserted into RGB video signal
  • Non-linear gain correction, linear gain adjustment
  • Detail signal extraction out of red, green or Y signals


BCH 1000 - HDTV Videotape Recorder

One-inch component HDTV video tape recorder BCH 1000 according to the Eureka - EU 95 - HDTV interlace standard (1250 lines/50 Hz) - Anmerkung : gemeint sind 1250 Zeilen, nicht Linien !!!).

The recording part of this analog HDTV recorder is based on the segmented scan recording principle for the storage of the HDTV component signals Y, Cr, Cb.

The incorporated digital processor reduces the time base errors to about ±3 nsec per channel and includes also a dropout and velocity compensator for a stable and reliable replay of the recorded HDTV programs.

Two separate high quality audio channels plus an additional audio channel for time code or aux. audio, complete the format of this VTR.


  • According to the EUREKA - EU 95/HDI standard for HDTV Component RGB or Y, Cr, Cb interfacing
  • Wideband 20 MHz recording system
  • One hour recording of HDTV programs
  • Digital time base corrector with digital dropout and velocity error compensation
  • Built-in test pattern generator
  • Edit capability (Insert, Assemble, Rehearsal)
  • Editor interface for BBE 910 (900)


HDDR 8000 - HD Digital Disk Recorder

The HDDR 8000 is a HDTV Digital Disk Recorder for instant replay and image processing of HDTV signals according the EU 95 standard 1250/50/2 (ANmerkung : 1250 Zeilen, 50 Hz, 2 Halbbilder). Total capacity, 103 seconds of HDTV.

Live production:
instant slow motion replay
The 103 seconds of available storage capacity, devided in 32 segments
allow easy scanning and slow motion replay in any required order and time.
The huge capacity of about 2500 frames, together with the innovative "virtual" graphical user interface enables the user to capture selectively several minutes of continuous live action in HDTV for replay at any speed.

Post production:
digital image processing

The HDDR 8000 is equipped with a standard VTR control interface for use in a HDTV editing suite together with the BCH 1000 HDTV VTRs.

The HDDR 8000 enables non-realtime motion replay and multi-layering of HDTV images in the digital domain, eliminating multiple generation loss with the analog recorders.

Diverse unbekannte Einzelkomponenten

BCT-350 - HDTV Video Translator - see page 23.
BYA-350, BCY-350 BYA-3000, BYA-3100 - HDTV Distribution Amplifiers
see pages 26, 27.
BVS-350, BVS-350 C BSX-S51. TYS-3000 - HDTV Routing Svvitchers
see pages 31, 32.

IP H IV-350A - HD TV Sync Translator

The IP H IV-350 A Sync Translator converts a 1250-line (= Zeilen !) tri-level sync signal (ST) into a 625-line (= Zeilen !) standard sync signal without a color subcarrier, which is coupled to the tri-level sync signal.


Sync delay adjustable by ± 1.5 /x,s
Sync output level can be switched over between 0.3 and 4V

RMH 1000 - HDTV Production Switcher

The RMH 1000 is a Production Switcher for high definition video signals in the 1250/50,2:1 standard


8 video inputs (Y, CR, CB)
Color generator and color black
4 program and 2 preview outputs
Two mixing levels each with fade, wipe and key functions
Two key generators for chrominance key with selectable hue, chroma, selectivity, clip level and softness or luminance key for title keying
Automatic preset of key parameters
Two digital wipe generators with 40 standard effects
Bandwidth 30 MHz -3dB
Ergonomic-designed control panel with menu-guided key, color matte, wipes.
Adjustment with graphic display

EXTRA (EXtended TRAnsition) for SNAPSHOT memory MEMORY card for user specified set-ups
Electronics box in 19" rack of 6 RU height, power supply 19" 4 RU and fan unit 19" 2 RU

MH 24/1000 - HDTV Precision B/WMonitor

The B/W HDTV monitor MH 24/1000 is intended for grade 1 (Anmerkung : Klasse 1 ist die höchst mögliche Qualitässtufe) evaluation of HDTV signals under limited space conditions.

Its display ratio is 16:9, the screen size 177 X 100 mm (8"). Mounting is possible in 19" racks, 2 units can be placed side by side. An optional housing converts the monitor into a table-top version.
Operational standard is 1250/50 (EUREKA), other standards on request .

Illuminant D phosphor
Wideband video amplifier
Resolution: 20 MHz up to 130cd/m²
Tri-level sync reference (internal or external)
High-impedance, loop-through inputs
2 video inputs selectable (local or remote control)
Switchable aperture correction
19" rackmount (2 units side by side, 6 RU)
Tally light

MCH 51/1000 - HDTV Precision Color Monitor

The HDTV precision color monitor MCH 51/1000 is designed for high-quality evaluation of HDTV signals. Due to the CRT pitch of 0.31mm signals of more than 20 MHz can be displayed thus approaching the limiting resolution of HDTV signal sources.

The 16:9 aspect ratio is determined by means of the front bezel leading to an effective image diagonal of 44 cm.
Signal inputs correspond to the EUREKA standard proposal for 1250/50 2:1 HDTV system. Other standards on request.

Self-converging in-line CRT with dot mask
High resolution (pitch 0.31 mm)
Color temperature 6500 K, adjustable to 9300 K
Inputs: 2 sets, individually switch-able to Y, CR, CB or RGB
Individual display of RGB channels
Int. or ext. synchronization
Internal synchronization performed in Y, CR, CB/RGB mode by means of the sync component contained in the Y or green signal respectively
Automatic and manual degaussing
Remote control of input selection and int. or ext. synchronization
Tally light

Components for 19" rack mounting and for upgrading to tabletop version optionally available

HDFP 1250 - HD Front Projector (Anmerkung : aus Italien)

The high-definition video front projector is designed to project HDTV pictures with 16:9 aspect ratio on screens from 100" to 300" picture size. The used 9" projection tubes with electromagnetic dynamic focus and astigmatism guarantee a horizontal resolution up to 1440 pixels per line.

The projector can be operated with the 1050/59,94 or 1125/60 Hz or the 1250/50 Hz system.

The projector will preferably be used for screen sizes of 2.8m or 3.7m horizontal width having a peak luminance of >25 cd/m or >40 cd/m respectively on screen with a gain of two. Input signals are R, G, B plus tri-level sync or H and V sync.

Main Features

Very large screen size
16 :9 aspect ratio, intended for high definition picture display
True HD-MAC definition
High contrast ratio
Video bandwidth suitable to accommodate HD signals
Suitable both for floor and ceil mounting

Anmerkung : Das Gewicht lag bei 110 Kilo - wir mußten das Geschenk leider ablehnen, es war einfach nicht transportabel.)

TEST H 1000 - HDTV Sync Pulse and Test Pattern Generator

The HDTV sync pulse and test pattern generator supplies synchronization signals and analog RGB or Y, CR, CB test signals. It can operate either in free-run or in genlock mode.


Supplies wideband analog HDTV signals
- 1125/60 2:1,
- 1250/50 2:1 or
- 1050/59.94 2:1,
- 525/59.94 1:1

RGB or Y, CR, CB outputs
Ext. reference input (tri-level sync)
Sync outputs: tri-level sync and standard drives
Hor. timing adjustable
Stable internal reference (TCXO) allows use as HDTV SPG
Easy operation due to menu control and LCD display
Non-volatile store for 10 user setups
Last operational mode stored during power-off condition

Test signals:
circular and hyperbolic zone plate
with selectable temporal component and frequency markers,
colorbars, rainbow,
colorfield (fullscreen, splitscreen),
variable pedestal,
sawtooth, stairsteps,
PLUGE, grid, multiburst, hor. sweep,
2T/20T pulse, squarewave
19" rack mounting, 1RU

Betacam SP 2000 Professional


PDK537/PBC1 - Camcorder System

The PDK 537/PBC1 camcorder is a versatile combination of high-performance portable CCD camera and lightweight dockable recorder. The PDK 537's sensors deliver incredibly high sensitivity of F8 at 2000 Lux, a remarkable signal-to-noise ratio of 62 dB and horizontal resolution of 700 TV lines.
So, pictures are always remarkably crisp and clear, even in difficult low or bright light conditions. The PBC1 dockable recorder unit is extremely lightweight at just 3.4 kg, and consumes only 10 watts of power, providing the creative freedom to take Betacam SP quality out of the studio and into the field.

Camera System
Three high-density 2/3" frame interline transfer sensors
Excellent S/N ratio of 62dB
700 TV lines of horizontal luminance resolution
Extremely low lag
Variable speed electronic shutter from 1/100 to 1/2000s
Quick-start 1.5 inch viewfinder
Safety zone and center marker generator
Built-in character generator
Built-in microphone
Auto white/black balance

Recorder System
see PBC 1, next column

PBC1 - Camera Recorder

The PBC 1 recorder can be docked to the portable CCD camera PDK 537 (Camcorder system PDK 537/PBC 1)


Superior picture quality, inherent in the Betacam SP format
More than 30 minutes of recording time using the S-size cassette (metal-particle tape only)
Two longitudinal audio channels with Dolby C-type NR system Luminance or CTDM viewfinder
Recognizable FF/REW pictures in viewfinder
Full range of machine control provided (fast forward/rewind/play/stop/eject)
Record review function
Built-in LTC/VITC/user bit generator and LTC reader with external time code lock capability
Frame-accurate back space editing without time code discontinuity at editing point
8-digit LCD display
Built-in loudspeaker
Digital hour meter
Phantom power supply (±48V,CH-l/2)
Built-in self-diagnostics with character display on TV monitor

PBC 2800 - Editing Rec order/Player

The newest addition to the VT equipment is the price performance Betacam SP 2000 Professional series. The PBC 2800 Editing Recorder/Player has superior picture quality, inherent in the Betacam SP format.


  • High-speed picture search provides recognizable color pictures at up to 10 times normal speed in forward and reverse (24 times in monochrome)
  • Two longitudinal audio channels with Dolby C-type NR system
  • RS-422 interface for connection of Betacam/Betacam SP and U-matic VTRs
  • Built-in comprehensive editing facilities
  • Dynamic motion control with memory provides slow-motion editing (when used with a DT VR) Built-in time base corrector (TBC) with digital dropout compensator TBC remotely controllable (option)
  • Built-in LTC/VITC/User bit generator and reader
  • Built-in character generator
  • Self-diagnostics system
  • Dial menu operation
  • Y/R-Y/B-Y component signal inputs and outputs
  • Y/C inputs/outputs
  • Compact and lightweight (19 in, 5 RU, approx. 25 kg)
  • Low-power consumption (150 W)


PBC 2600 - Player

The PBC 2600 Player has superior picture quality, inherent in the Betacam SP format.


High-speed picture search provides recognizable color pictures at up to 10 times normal speed in forward and reverse (24 times in monochrome)
Two longitudinal audio channels with Dolby C-type NR system
RS-422 interface for connection of Betacam/Betacam SP and U-matic VTRs
Built-in time base corrector (TBC) with digital dropout compensator
TBC remotely controllable (option)
Built-in LTC/VITC/User bit reader
Built-in character generator
Dial menu operation
Y/R-Y/B-Y component signal outputs
Y/C outputs
Compact and lightweight (19 in, 5 RU, approx. 24.5 kg)
Low-power consumption (110 W)

Professional S


GY-X1 TC EL 14 - Camcorder (S-VHS)

The GY-X1 TC EL 14 camcorder is a professional 3-CCD camera with an integrated Professional S recorder, fully equipped with lens, viewfinder monitor and battery holder.

Excellent picture quality is ensured by the compact 14:1/200mm lens, the 1/2" CCDs with 390,000 pixels and the beam splitter. Its weight of only 5 kg and length of 518mm mean that the camcorder is extremely light and handy to use. Stored presettings make the camera ready for recording at a moment's notice. In addition to the preset standard settings, numerous individual settings can be programmed and called up at any time (memory card).


Professional S camcorder system in S-VHS-C format with 3-CCD camera. Total weight only 5 kg
600-line resolution, 390,000 eff. pixels
Y/C and CCVS output signals
Electronic shutter
2H vertical contour correction
Advanced memory system
High definition viewfinder monitor
14:1 power zoom with internal focussing
Recorder with color playback
Recorder resolution in excess of 400 lines
Quick record mode
Built-in VITC generator
Built-in caption generator
3 audio tracks (2 x hifi, 1 x normal)

KY-25 EL 16 - Color Video Camera (S-VHS)

The KY-25 EL 16 camera is equipped with three high-resolution 2/3" CCDs, has 700-line horizontal resolution with a signal-to-noise ratio of 58dB. The BR S 411 S-VHS recorder can be fixed directly to it for single-handed mobile ENG and EFP applications. In addition to the output sockets for CCVS and a separate Y/C signal, the 26-pin socket can be switched over internally to output a separate Y/C 443 signal (S-VHS), component signal (Y, R-Y, B-Y) and RGB signal.


700 TV line horizontal resolution
S-VHS camcorder integration, also deliverable with Mil and Betacam SP adapter (option)
Multiformat output signals
Zebra-stripe level indicator
2H vertical contour correction
16:1 zoom lens
Electronic shutter with speeds of 1/250, 1/500 and 1/1000 sec.
Self-diagnostics system
Can be synchronised int./ext.
Negative/positive switch
Increased gain (+ 9 dB/+ 18 dB)
2 extra white level stores
Filter wheel with 4 settings
line-up 2-channel stereo preamplifier
3.8cm and 10cm viewfinder monitors (option)

BR-S 41 IE - Camera Recorder

The BR-S 411 E gives superior S-VHS picture quality with more than 400 lines of horizontal resolution. It features a host of state-of-the-art professional production features including vertical interval time code (VITC) recording capability (with the SA-R 100 E Time Code Generator attached), a rotary erase head, balanced XLR audio connectors, a full set of composite and Y/C separate inputs and outputs, and a versatile 50-pin connector so can dock it with the KY-25 EL 16 camera.


Professional S recorder for camcorder operation (S-VHS European standard)
Horizontal in excess of 400 lines resolution
Improved picture quality as a result of 2 H comb filter
Vertical interval time code recording by means of plug-on
TC generator (option) Hifi and normal stereo sound recording
Balanced XLR audio inputs/outputs
Search and single frame switches
Manual video and audio level controls and displays
Frame-accurate editing
Cable remote control

BR-S 81 IE - Editing Recorder/Player

The BR-S 811 E editing recorder provides Professional S recording and playback technology with separate Y/C signal processing and pictures with a horizontal resolution in excess of 400 lines.

When combined with the BR-S 611 E recorder, RM-G 860 E edit control unit player and SA-T 411 E time base corrector/noise reducer, it is particularly suitable for creating a professional editing suite.


Professional S editing recorder (S-VHS European standard)
Horizontal in excess of 400 lines resolution owing to expanded luminance frequency range Improved color resolution as a result of chroma enhancer Diagnostics system with code display
Hifi stereo dynamic range above 87 dB
Balanced XLR audio inputs/outputs
Separate Y/C 433 and 627 inputs/ outputs
Rotating erase heads for frame-accurate insert and assemble editing
Color frame servo
Shuttle search and jog functions
Direct drive of head drum, capstan and tape winding reels
Optimum picture stability as a result of tape stabilizing head drum
Automatic head cleaning
External SYNC input

BR-S 61 IE - Recorder/Player

Like the BR-S 811 E, the BR-S 611 E provides pictures which are high in contrast and detail, with sharp edges, and are essential to the optimum presentation of graphics, product or business videos and in educational and training productions. It is particularly suitable for use as a player in a professional editing suite.


Professional S recorder/player (S-VHS European standard)
In excess of 400 lines horizontal resolution owing to expanded luminance frequency range Improved color resolution as a result of chroma enhancer Diagnostics system with code display
Hifi stereo dynamic range above 87dB
Balanced XLR audio inputs/outputs
Separate Y/C 433 and 627 inputs/ outputs
Shuttle search and jog functions
Direct drive of head drum, capstan and tape winding reels
Optimum picture stability as a result of tape stabilizing head drum
Automatic head cleaning External SYNC input

RM-G 860 E - Editing Control Unit for A/B roll

Designed for easy integration into any editing system - especially Professional-S. The flexible RM-G 860 E editing controller offers A/B roll editing capabilities for trouble-free simultaneous operation with two feeders. It provides all the essential features required for true professional-level editing such as independent search/jog dials for players and recorder, time code editing capability, video/audio split editing, and variable pre-roll times.

With a full set of 45-pin connectors, the RM-G 860 E is ready for immediate operation in an editing suite with a 45-pin VTR. There is also a full set of 9-pin connectors and two GPI ports to permit flexible system configuration and construction of more advanced editing suites.


Edit controller for A/B Roll
3-machine editing
3 X 9-pin serial interfaces
3 X 45-pin parallel interfaces (switchable)
3 8-digit counter displays (TC with 9-pin connection)
Insert and assemble editing
Video/audio split editing facility
2 GPI outputs
Single frame edit point correction
Adjustable pre-roll times (5, 7,10 s)
Shuttle search and jog controller
Preview and review function
Go to function, all stop function

RM-G 810 E - Editing Control Unit

When combined with the BR-S 811 E S-VHS editing recorder, the RM-G 810 E editing control unit allows signals of various formats to be transferred to S-VHS. We would recommend that the BR-S 611 E be used as the player, but other editing recorders can also be used, as the two 45-pin parallel interfaces allow maximum flexibility in the choice of player. Separate search and jog control for player and editing machine and a number of automatic functions in the RM-G 810 E editing control unit enable operations to be carried out quickly and easily.


Universal edit controller
Multiformat-compatible: S-VHS, U-Matic highband, VHS
2 X 45-pin interfaces
Separate search and jog control for player and editing machine
Automatic control of edit in and out points
Single frame edit point correction PREVIEW and REVIEW functions
Tape counter switchable to lap time

KM-D 600 E - 2-Channel Video Mixer
Y/C Digital Effects Generator

The KM-D 600 E has been designed to take full advantage of the quality now available from the Professional S format. Making use of the latest Y/C signal processing techniques, the KM-D 600 E brings digital effects to the professional video edit suite. In addition to the conventional mix, wipe, and key transitions, the KM-D 600 E provides a single channel of high-quality digital effects including slide, continuous compression, mosaic, strobe, and paint. With its built-in dual-channel timebase corrector, the KM-D 600 E is the ideal choice for use in a Professional S production system.


Ideal combination of mixer/TBC
for A/B roll editing suites
Integrated Y/C mixer
4 Y/C inputs
Y/C 443 and Y/C 924 outputs
RGB chroma key and downstream key
Digital effects, such as mosaic, slide and 2D zoom
Automatic and manual execution of special effects
2 time base correctors
2 color matte generators
Color bar generator
General-purpose interface
Digital borderline and shadow generator KM-E 300 E (option)

SA-T411E - TBC and Noise Reducer

The SA-T 411 E combines a full-frame time base corrector with Y and C noise reduction to provide optimum results when editing and copying multiple generations.


Highly effective owing to separate Y/C signal processing
Integrated noise reduction to improve the signal-to-noise ratio when producing multiple-generation copies
Full-frame TBC with integrated memory for 2 half frames
Integrated drop-out compensator
Precise Y-signal delay correction in 16 steps of 74 nsec each
Automatic chroma level control can be switched on
Conforms with CCIR Guidelines 601

TM-10 E, TM-1000 PS, TM-1500PS - Color Video Monitors

TM-Series monitors are preferably used with S-VHS equipment, because of the good picture quality, solid mechanical concept and ease of transportation.

Features TM-10 E
10" (25 cm) square picture tube (0.47 mm tri-dot pitch)
CCVS monitor (PAL)
Metal housing protects against radiated interference
Integrated audio amplifier with monitoring loudspeaker
19" system: 2 X TM-10 E in one double unit (RK-10 E, option)

Features TM-1000 PS
10" (25 cm) square picture tube (0.47 mm tri-dot pitch)
Y/C/CCVS inputs for Professional S (S-VHS)
Horizontal resolution more than 300 lines
Integrated audio amplifier with monitoring loudspeaker
Professional functions: underscan, pulse cross, blue check, color ON/OFF, ext. sync.
Mains and battery operation with ext. battery
Switchable between PAL/SECAM
2 video inputs and 2 audio inputs
19" system: 2 X TM-1000 PS in one double unit (RK-10 E, option)

Features TM-1500 PS
15" (38 cm) full square picture tube (0.49 mm tri-dot pitch)
Horizontal resolution more than 450 lines (Y/C input)
Integrated audio amplifier with monitoring loudspeaker
Professional functions: underscan, pulse cross, blue check and color ON/OFF
Switchable between PAL/SECAM
2 video inputs and 2 audio inputs
19" rack mount adapter RK-150 E (option)

PRECOM Systems


The PRECOM system approach

PRECOM systems are based on "predesigned concepts". These concepts make use of the experience from over 700 OB-vans and over 1000 other systems which have been delivered by BTS worldwide.

Customer advantages of PRECOM systems are:

Budget economy due to reduced planning cost
Operational economy due to functional designs and Reduced delivery time

BTS can propose PRECOM systems for many broadcast applications.

Our system engineers provide on request modifications, upgrades or integration of PRECOM systems to meet individual requirements yet maintaining the advantages of PRECOM systems.

Examples of PRECOM systems are:


  • OB-vans of different sizes for different applications and standards including digital and HDTV
  • Editing systems
  • Production studios
  • Film-to-tape transfer systems


Turnkey Customized Systems


The customized system approach

Extraordinary tasks need customized solutions. BTS has satisfied customers all over the world by providing customized solutions for large broadcast TV turnkey systems as well as for small installations.

BTS customers gain advantage from the experience of its Systems Group and from the expertise available through BTS R&D efforts. This adequate background enables BTS to deliver large systems and systems handling up-to-date standards like HDTV or digital efficiently.

BTS services include planning and realization of broadcast TV video and audio facilities including automation systems for program continuity and machine control. Software support for SAST/ICS automation systems is provided by software engineers within the BTS Systems Group - an important advantage when customer-specific software modifications are required.

Examples for customized systems are:

Turnkey production and transmission centres including

  • - Consulting
  • - Planning
  • - Building work
  • - System infrastructures
  • - Video systems
  • - Audio systems
  • - Automation systems
  • - Commissioning
  • - Training Production facilities
  • - Production studios
  • - Presentation studios Post production facilities
  • - Editing suites
  • - Film-to-tape transfer Programming facilities
  • - Continuity suites
  • - Switching centres Equipment pools
  • - VTR centres
  • - Telecine centres

Continuity suite at SWF, Baden-Baden
Sound and vision control at NOS, Hilversum
Telecine centre at BR, Munich

Integrated Control and Automation Systems


The Integrated Control System (ICS)

is a product for efficient and convenient operation of a TV center. It is designed for control of routing switchers (RKX, TVS/TAS) and for machine control.


Distributed intelligence with powerful standard communication (IEEE 8023 Ethernet-Cheapernet LAN 10 MBit/s)
Standardized interfaces and protocols (ESbus)
Local ESbus for connection of machines and control panels
Protocol conversion for non ESbus devices
System configuration by file server

The Continuity Automation System (SAST)

provides comfortable computer aided execution of broadcasting schedules in transmission suites, in order to handle complex schedules efficiently.


Broadcast schedule dependent control of source equipment, routers and switchers etc. Independant PC based scheduling system SAP
Interfaces to traffic systems available
True "as aired" log for billing Interface to Integrated Control System for machine and router control
Machine assignment via tape identification system
Adaptability to custom requirements

The Booking System

is a tool for efficient management of all resources from a broadcast center.


Optimizes utilization of TV equipment
Provides tools for statistics
Easy detection of resource bottlenecks
Supports system expansion planning
Standard PC hardware, linked by an Ethernet LAN (Novell Net)



The design of BTS OB-Vans is based on the knowledge gained in constructing over 700 units since 1955. The line of PRECOM OB-Vans reflects this knowledge combining functionality, reliability and durability with economy.

PRECOM stands for outstanding economy achieved by the use of predesigned concepts. Individual needs can be met on request.

The following OB-Vans selection from our PRECOM line will satisfy most production needs and budgets.
All vehicles provide the option of a commentator position in the drivers cabin and can be ordered for CCVS or CAV processing.

PRECOM OB-Van type S


  • Single working room
  • Up to 4 CCD-cameras and 3 VTRs
  • Editing system
  • DVE and character generator
  • 12-channel audio mixer


PRECOM OB-Van type M


  • Three working rooms
  • Up to 4 CCD-cameras and 4 VTRs
  • Editing system
  • DVE and character generator
  • 16-channel audio mixer


PRECOM OB-Van type L


  • Three working rooms
  • Up to 6 CCD-cameras and 4 VTRs
  • Editing system
  • DVE and charater generator
  • 24-channel audio mixer




  • Satellite uplink facility
  • 3 mobile CCD-cameras
  • Editing system
  • 12-channel audio mixer
  • Power generator on board

PRECOM-OB-van type S
PRECOM-OB-van type M

(Hier steht ein erster Anhalstpunkt zum Prospekt Datum)


HDTV OB-vans from BTS are in practical use since 1989. Major events covered by BTS HDTV units during '92 (1992) are the Olympic Games as well as the EXPO in Seville.

Modular HDTV Units

BTS offers a number of HDTV OB-vans and containerized units meeting requirements of flexible operation and economy. Thus varying production needs can be satisfied.

HDTV 6-Camera OB-Van


  • 6 mobile or studio-type cameras
  • Up to 2.000m camera cable
  • Video switcher RMH 1000
  • Character generator
  • 2 recorders BCH 1000
  • Down converter
  • 625-line recorders for off-ine editing and parallel recording
  • 40-channel audio mixer
  • Semi-trailer (in den USA ist ein "Semi" ein extrem langer und großer Riesen-Truck)


HDTV Editing Unit


  • Editing system controlling VTRs, ATRs, video- and audio mixer
  • 3 recorders BCH 1000
  • Video switcher RMH 1000
  • Character Generator
  • Down converter
  • 625-line recorders for off-line editing and parallel recording
  • 24-channel audio mixer
  • 2 audio tape recorders (4-track)
  • Mounted in extendable container with standard pick-up facilities


HDTV Master Control Unit


  • 7 synchronous, 10 non-synchronous HDTV inputs
  • 3 program outputs
  • - 2 outputs via video switcher
  • - 1 output via video router
  • 2 character generators
  • Down converter
  • Audio mixer with 3 outputs (6 channels each)
  • Mounted in extendable container with standard pick-up facilities


HDTV 2-Camera OB-Van


  • 2 mobile cameras
  • Up to 2000 m camera cable
  • Video switcher RMH 1000
  • Character generator
  • 2 recorders BCH 1000
  • Down converter
  • 625-line recorders for off-line
  • editing and parallel recording
  • 16-channel audio mixer


HDTV Slow-Motion Van

2 digital slomo recorders HDDR
Control and monitoring facilities
Remote control from other vans (e.g. from 6-camera or 2-camera van) provided
HDTV slow-motion van
HDTV 6-camera OB-van
HDTV master control unit, video switcher controls and audio mixer

Customer Support




  • Wordwide technical service for:
  • Equipment,
  • Systems
  • Customer oriented:
  • Maintenance,
  • Repairs,
  • Installations,
  • Instructions,
  • Acceptance tests,
  • Maintenance contracts
  • Worldwide spare parts supply
  • Exchange service
  • Technical assistance for HDTV productions and demonstrations


Training and Seminars


  • Basic principles of television
  • engineering Training in the latest television technology (HDTV)
  • Television studio engineering:
  • Project related,
  • Equipment related,
  • Operations related


Nocheinmal zusammengefaßt die Inhalte / Contents



Cameras Page
Top Studio Cameras LDK9 Studio/Field Camera System 4
Series 9000 Universal Camera Remote Control System 5
Production/Studio Cameras LDK910 Field/Studio Camera System 6
ENG/EFP Cameras LDK91 Frame Transfer Multirole CCD Camera 6
LDK91 Portable Companion Camera 7
LDK391 Camcorder with Frame Transfer Sensors 7
KCB 591 Camera Recorder System 8
Camera Monitoring 9
FDL 90 Post-production Telecine 10


D-l Format DCR500 Digital4:2:2VTR 11
D-2 Format DCR2/DCR20/DCR28  
Digital Composite \ TRs 12
Betacam SP Format  
BCB 75/70 Studio Editing Recorder/Player 13
BCBD75 Studio Editing Recorder/Player 13
BCB 65/60 Studio Player 13
BCB 85 Studio Editing Recorder/Player 14
BCB 50 Portable Field Recorder/Player 14
BCB 5 Camera Recorder and Portable Field Recorder 14
BCB 22 Office Player 15
Cart Machines  
TCS 2000 Library Management Video Cart System 15
TCS 90 Library Management Video Cart System 16
Editing and Slow Motion  
BBE910 Automatic Editing Control Unit 16
BBE 600 Editing Control Unit 17
PDC3000 Dynamic Motion Controller 17
LSM Live Slow Motion 17


Graphic Systems  
PRIZM Video Workstation 18
DVEator Option 18
Signal Conversion 19
CD 7 CAV/4:2:2 Converter 20
DC 7 4:2:2/CAV Converter 20
DAC-410 270 Mbit/s serial/CAV Converter 20
ADC-410 CAV/270 Mbit/s seria] Converter 20
DSS-410 4:2:2parallel/ 270 Mbit/s serial Converter 21
DDS-410 270 Mbit/s serial/4:2:2 parallel Converter 21
PC 70 Precision PAL Decoder 21
PC 75 Precision PAL Decoder 21
PM 5638 Component Color Coder, SPG 22
DFX-1200/1200P Format Converter D-l to D-2 22
DFX-2100 Format Converter D-2 to D-l 22
BCT-350 Modular Component Signal Translator 23
BAC-3000 Digital Audio Converter 23
Signal Processing  
MNR9 Median Noise Reducer 24
THE-100/BHE-130 Hum Eliminators 24
XCC 6016 Color Corrector 25
Distribution Amplifiers 25
Video Amplifiers  
350 Series Distribution Amplifiers 26
BVA-350 7-Output Video Distribution Amplifier 26
BCV-350 Component Video Distribution Amplifier 26
BVA-3000 Price Performance Video Distribution Amplifier 26
BVA-3100 Video Distribution Amplifier 27
SDA-450 Serial Digital Video Distribution Amplifier 27
SDA-460 Serial Digital Video Reclocking Distribution Amplifier 27
Pulse Amplifiers  
BPA-350 Wideband Pulse Distribution Amplifier 28
Audio Amplifiers  
BAA-3000 Price Performance Audio Distribution Amplifier 28
BAA-3001 Deluxe Audio Distribution Amplifier 28
BAA-3000 S Stereo Audio Distribution Amplifier 28
PS-350 Power Supplies 29
PV/PA-3001 Power Supplies 29
RF-350 Card Cage 29
RF-3000 Card Cage 29

Routing Switchers

Routing Switchers and Control Systems 30
Small Switcher Systems 31
BSX-350A Series 10 X 10 Audio Routing Switcher 31
BSX-350V Series 10 X 10 Video Routing Switcher 31
BSX-351 High Bandwidth Routing Switcher 31
BVS/BAS-350 20 X 1 Switcher 31
BVS-350C Analog Component Switcher System 32
BSB-3000 Audio Patchbox 32
Switching Systems/Matrices 32
TVS/TAS-3000 Wide Band Distribution Switching Systems 32
TVS/TAS-2000 Standard Distribution Switching Systems 32
Switcher Party Line Control Panels 33
Serial (RS 422) Control Panels 34
TVS/TAS-2000/3000 Accessories 35
Digital Switchers  
DRS 7 4:2:2 Digital Switcher 35
SDR-400 Serial Digital Video Distribution Switcher 36
Control and Automation Systems  
BCS-3000 Integrated Control System 36
CE-2500 Router Control 37
CP-3000 Switcher Control Panel 37
CP-3010 Expansion Panel 37
CP-3020 Pushbutton Control Panel 37
CP-3021 Expansion Panel 37
MC-3000 Machine Control Panel 37
MC-3020 Machine Control Panel 37
MCS-2000 Master Control Switcher 38
ALAMAR Station Automation System 38
Production Switchers  
DIAMOND/DIAMOND C Production Switcher 39
TOPAZ/TOPAZ C Production Switcher 39
DYAD2 Composite Digital Mixer/Keyer 40
CVS Series Precision Color Monitors 40
CVM Series Quality and Viewing Monitors 40
CPM Series Intelligent Stackable Viewing Monitors 41
TM Series Multi-purpose Viewing Monitors 42
Test and Pulse Equipment  
Test D7 4:2:2 Test Pattern Generator 42
LDK 4220, LDK 4230 Sync Pulse Generators 42
PM5644 Color Pattern Generator 43
PM5640 Video Test Signal Generator 43
PM5643G Component Generator, SPG 43
PM5651 Studio VITS Generator 44
PM5652 Studio VITS Generator, ED 44
PM5654 VITS Generator and Inserter 44
PM 5661/62 Waveform Monitor/Vectorscope 44
PM 5664 Component/Composite Waveform Monitor 45
PM 5655 Waveform Monitor 45
PM 5667/68 Vectorscope 45
HDTV 1250 Equipment  
KCH1000 Multi-Standard HDTV Camera 46
CPH1000 HDTV Digital Image Enhancer 46
BCH1000 HDTV Videotape Recorder 46
HDDR8000 HD Digital Disk Recorder 47
BCT-350 HDTV Video Translator 23
BVA-350,BCV-350, BVA-3000, BVA-3100 HDTV Video Distribution Amplifiers 26
BVS-350, BVS-350 C, BSX 351 TVS-3000 HDTV Routing Switchers 31
IPHIV-350A HDTV Sync Translator 47
RMH1000 HDTV Production Switcher 47
MH 24/1000 HDTV Precision B/W Monitor 48
MCH 51/1000 HDTV Precision Color Monitor 48
HDFP1250 HD Front Projector 48
TEST H1000 HDTV Sync Pulse and Test Pattern Generator 49
Professional Video  
BetacamSP 2000 PRO PDK537/PBC1 Camcorder System 49
PBC 1 Camera Recorder 49
PBC2800 Editing Recorder/Player 50
PBC 2600 Player 50
Professional S  
GY-X1TC EL 14 Camcorder 50
KY-25EL16 Color Video Camera 51
BR-S411E Camera Recorder 51
BR-S811E Editing Recorder/Player 51
BR-S611E Recorder/Player 52
RM-G860E Editing Control Unit for A/B roll 52
RM-G810E Editing Control Unit 52
KM-D600E 2-Channel Video Mixer 53
SA-T411E TBC and Noise Reducer 53
TM-10E,TM-1000PS, TM-1500 PS Color Video Monitors 53
Creative System Solutions  
PRECOM Systems 54
Turnkey Customized Systems 55
Integrated Control and Automation Systems 56
HDTVOB-Vans 58
Customer Support 59
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