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The location of our editors office and the archive of the virtual museum is nearly the center of Germany in Wiesbaden.

The Taunus hills in Germany - click to enlarge picture
The entrance to the editors office - not the museum !!
the location inside Germany


  • Please notice: up to End of 2020, there is NO real museum here in Wiesbaden !!!!!

In Wiesbaden there is the office of the makers of these pages.

You know, Germany is nearly the center of Western Europe (haha, except France, they say, they are the center of the world). We are located in Wiesbaden very close to the well known Frankfurt Airport (about 15 miles) and much closer to Wiesbaden Erbenheim Airbase - for many US soldiers very well known..


On the right, there is a simple map of Germany after 1989 including Eastern Germany. Please click on the picture to enlarge it.


The city of Wiesbaden (downtown) is directly down to the allways green Taunus hills and has a lot of sightseeing events including the "worlds biggest Kukuck´s clock". That is their promotion text - but ist 50 years old and it was never changed.

From Wiesbaden, a number of riverboat sightseeing tours are starting along the river Rhein up to the rock of the Loreley, passing Rüdesheim/Rhein with the well known Drosselgasse.
So if you like (i.e. you need) to visit the editor and the office and the storerooms with female assistance, there is a lot to see and to show to the ladies (and we have time for technical talks and photo shootings).
But please be patient. All active members servicing the museums pages are retired professionals. So we have limited resources and limited opening times. But on request, it should be possible, to meet during the week. Please fill the feedback form and we will respond shortly (that means as short as possible).

The "museum" is really small - you like to see it ?

Here you will find a location page but fully German. We would suggest google translator to read the story.

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